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OJ 11/35, 8 : 2-12-18

Handwritten letter from Halm to Schenker, dated February 12, 1918

[ stamped: ] 21341
Eßlingen, 12.II.18

Sehr geehrter Herr Professor,1

Dank für Ihren Brief u. Ihre wirksame Order an Ihren Verleger; gestern kam das Angekündigte.2

Nun möchte ich Ihnen aber doch auch noch Einiges von meinen Musik-Werken zum Geschenk machen u. gebe meinem Verleger diesbezüglichen Auftrag. {2} Von m. jüngsten Buch (“Von Grenzen u. Ländern d. Musik” [ges. Aufsätze]3, bei Gg. Müller München 1916) habe ich Ihnen schon geschrieben u. Sie auf die S. 155-161 insbesondere aufmerksam gemacht.4 Seither erschienen nur noch unmittelbar u. mittelbar dem Unterricht gewidmete Sachen. Ich habe 24 Musik-Stunden in der Woche im hiesigen Lehrerseminar, wo ich, seit Oktob. [19]14, übrigens nicht {3} Professor sondern Hilfslehrer bin;5 somit können Sie sich vorstellen, daß ich geraume Zeit brauchen werde, um mit Ihren vielen Gaben mich auseinanderzusetzen.6

Die Beilagen zu dem Heft der Fr. Schulgemeinde, in dem m. Aufsatz über Sie kommt, waren eigentlich nur für die regelmäßigen Leser d.h. in der Hauptsache die Mitglieder des Bundes für freie Schulgemeinden bestimmt;7 durch {4} eine Gedankenlosigkeit (u. überdies Vergesslichkeit) des Verlegers wurden sie auch mit den Belegexemplaren versandt.

Hochachuntungsvoll u. herzlich
Ihr [ sign’d: ] A. Halm

© In the public domain; published with the agreement of the heirs of August Halm 2006.
© Transcription Lee Rothfarb, 2006.

Handwritten letter from Halm to Schenker, dated February 12, 1918

[ stamped: ] 21341
Eßlingen, February 12, 1918

Dear Professor,1

Thanks for your letter and your effective order to your publisher; the announced item arrived yesterday.2

But now I would certainly like to make you a gift of some more of my musical works, and will give my publisher the relevant directive. {2} I have already written you about my newest book (Of Borders and Countries of Music [collected essays]3, published by Georg Müller, Munich, 1916), and drew your attention especially to pages 155-161.4 Since then, only items devoted directly and indirectly to instruction appeared. I have twenty-four hours of music lessons per week at the local teachers training institute, where since October [19]14, by the way, I have been an adjunct instructor, not a {3} professor;5 you can thus imagine that I will need a fairly long time in order to deal with your many gifts.6

The supplements to the issue of the Freie Schulgemeinde in which my essay about you will appear were actually only for the regular readers, i.e. intended primarily for the members of the Federation for Free School Communities;7 they were sent along with the copies because of {4} the publisher’s thoughtlessness (and also forgetfulness).

With kind regards and cordial greetings
Yours [ sign’d: ] A. Halm

© Translation Lee Rothfarb, 2006.

Format: 4-p letter, holograph message and signature
Sender address: Eßlingen
Recipient address: --


1 Federhofer mentions this letter, with no transcription, in Heinrich Schenker: Nach Tagebüchern und Briefen, p. 138.

2 See DLA 69.930/3, February 7, 1918. H had asked S for a copy of his Beitrag zur Ornamentik and Ninth Symphony monograph (OJ 11/35, 7, January 20, 1918).

3 The square brackets are in the original, and their contents are in fact the subtitle of the book.

4 In 11/35, 1, January 4, 1917.

5 Halm mentions his employment at the institute in Eßlingen (Protestant Teacher’s College, Evangelische Lehrerbildungsanstalt) in OJ 11/35, 2, January 27, 1917.

6 H writes continuously, inserting an em-dash at this point.

7 H is referring to the essay “Heinrich Schenker,” Die Freie Schulgemeinde 8 (1917-18), 11-16; reprinted in Von Form und Sinn der Musik, 271-274. See OJ 11/35, 5, July 2, 1917.

H acks receipt of item from S's publisher, and plans to reciprocate, but has little time in which to order items. Copies of his essay about S have been misdirected.

© Commentary, Footnotes, Summary Lee A. Rothfarb 2006

Rothfarb, Lee
Halm, August
H acks receipt of item from S's publisher, and plans to reciprocate, but has little time in which to order items. Copies of his essay about S have been misdirected.
Cambridge University Faculty of Music-Ian Bent
IPR: In the public domain; Transcription, Translation, Commentary, Footnotes, and Summary: Lee Rothfarb 2006.
Halm, August; Schenker, Heinrich; complimentary copy; Von Grenzen und Ländern der Musik; Of Borders and Countries of Music; Müller, Georg; adjunct instructor; Freie Schulgemeinde
Handwritten letter from Halm to Schenker, dated February 12, 1918
academic; musicology; music theory
OJ 11/35, 8
This document is deemed to be in the public domain as of January 1, 2000, and is published with the agreement of the heirs of August Halm 2006.
holograph message and signature
Schenker, Heinrich (1918-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1955)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1955-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
IPR: In the public domain; Image: University of California, Riverside; Transcription, Translation, Commentary, Footnotes, and Summary: Lee Rothfarb.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 12, 1918 1:00 AM.

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The next post in this blog is OC 1/34r : 2-24-18.

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