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OC 16/29r, 28v, 27v : 3-10-17

Typed letter from Türkel to Schenker, dated March 10, 1917

[printed letterhead:]
[left:] TELEPHON AUT. 35052 [right:] POSTSPARK.-KTO. NR 104651

Wien, den 10. III. 17

Betr: Sofie Deutsch – Verl.

Sehr geehrter Herr Professor!

Ich bin entschieden dafür, dass Sie Ihre Honorarforderung anmelden. Wie1 ich mir bereits mitzuteilen erlaubt habe, bin ich sozusagen depossediert2 und habe in der Verlassenschaft3 fast nichts darein zu reden. Der Testamentsvollstrecker hat nämlich nur die Erfüllung des Testamentes der Verstorbenen zu überwachen, hat aber auf die Abhandlung selbst sozusagen gar keinen Einfluss.

Ich kann entschieden die Gefahr, dass Ihnen die Rente erst ab Juni 1917 zugebilligt wird4 nicht leugnen. Die Frage ist bis jetzt noch nicht zur Diskussion gekommen und dürfte auch solange die Inventur nicht beendet ist, nicht zur Diskussion kommen, da der Verein5 noch keine Erbserklärung eingebracht hat, sich vielmehr zur Einbrungung derselben eine Ueberlegungsfrist vorbehalten hat. Herr Kammerrat Mendl6 hat mit der Verlassenschaft persönlich gar nichts zu tun. Ich führe für denselben das Amt des Testamentsvollstreckers und fällt es weder in meine noch in Herrn Kammerrat Mendls Kompetenz, Legate effectiv zur Auszahlung zu bringen.

Ihr gesch. Schreiben,7 veehrter [missing material: the remainder may be part of a different document] {28v} Sache an die Ankerbrotfabrik,8 deren Kassier auch die privaten Geldangelegenheiten des Herrn Kammerrates Fritz Mendl führt und das verursachte immer einen Zeitverlust. Herr Kammerrat ist, wie Herr Professor ja wissen werden, als Präsident der Futtermittelzentrale9 entsetzlich in Anspruch genommen.

Ich weiss persönlich, wie sehr Herr Kammerrat Sie schätzt und liegt es Herrn Kammerrat gewiss ferne, Ihnen irgend welche Schwirgkeiten[sic] zu berei- {27v} ten. In der Bankverein und Honorarangelegenheit würde ich Ihnen aber doch raten, wenn es auch nicht gleich geschieht, irgendwelche Schritte zu unternehmen, denn in juristischen Angelegenheiten kommt leider von selbst das Glück nicht.

Ich begrüsse Sie herzlichst
Ihr sehr ergebener:
[ sign’d: ] Türkel

© Under investigation.
© Transcription Ian Bent, 2006.

Typed letter from Türkel to Schenker, dated March 10, 1917

[printed letterhead:]
[left:] TELEPHONE AUST. 35052 [right:] POST OFFICE BANK A/C NO. 104651

Vienna, March 10, 1917

Re: Sofie Deutsch – Estate

Dear Professor,

I am definitely in favor of your putting forward a claim for your honorarium. As1 I have already taken the liberty of informing [you], I have been so to speak dispossessed2 and have almost no say in the estate. You see, the executor of the estate3 has only to insure compliance with the terms of the deceased’s will, while having no influence at all over the carrying out of that compliance.

I certainly cannot deny the danger that the pension will not be granted to you until June 1917.4 The question has not yet come up for discussion and ought not to come up for discussion so long as the inventory has not been completed, since the Association5 has not yet submitted an inheritance claim[?], let alone committed itself to[?] a period of deliberation for submitting the same. Chamber Counsellor Mendl6 has nothing whatsoever personally to do with the estate. I take charge for him of the office of the executor of the will and it falls into neither my competence nor that of Chamber Counsellor Mendl actually to make payments of legacies.

You est’d letter,7, dear [Professor] [material missing: the remainder may be part of a different document] {28v} matter to the Anchor Bakery,8 the cashier of which also takes care of the private financial affairs of Chamber Counsellor Fritz Mendl, and that always gives rise a time-delay. The Chamber Counsellor, as the Professor will certainly know, is dreadfully in demand as the President of the Feedstuffs Headquarters.9

I know from personal experience how very highly the Chamber Counsellor values you, and far be it from the Chamber Counsellor to make any kind of difficulties for you. {27v} In the matter of the bank association and the honorarium, I would however firmly advise you, if things do not happen immediately, to undertake certain steps, for in legal affairs, sadly, good fortune does not happen of its own accord.

With cordial greetings,
Yours very truly,
[ sign’d: ] Türkel

© Translation Ian Bent, 2006.

Format: letter(s), 3 pages, printed letterhead, typed message, handwritten signature; p.1 full-page sheet, pp. 2-3 half-page sheets, pp. 2-3 used as scrap paper, with notes for lessons with Anthony van Hoboken from November 6-24, 1931 on verso; may comprise fragments of two separate documents.
Sender address: Vienna VII, Mariahilferstraße 26
Recipient address: --


1 “dass ... Wie”: underlined in crayon, presumably by S.

2 „depossediert“: archaic word for „enteignet”: dispossessed, expropriated.

3 “Verlassenschaft”: archaic term for “Hinterlassenschaft”; i.e. the estate of Sofie Deutsch, died January 5, 1917.

4 “Ihnen ... word”: underlined in crayon, presumably by S.

5 Verein: what is referred to here may be the Verein zur Speisung und Bekleidung hungernder Schulkinder in Wien, or perhaps the bank association (Bankverein) with which Mrs. Deutsch dealt.

6 Fritz Mendl: Sofie Deutsch’s brother, leading Austrian industrialist.

7 No letter from S to T is known to survive prior to the date of this letter.

8 Ankerbrotfabrik: bakery founded in 1894 by brothers Heinrich and Fritz Mendl and employing by 1914 1,300 workers. The firm was “aryanized” in 1938, but reverted to the previous owners in 1945.

9 Futtermittelzentrale: Mendl writes his letters under the letterhead of this organization.

Advises S re: claim for honorarium while explaining his own position, that of Fritz Mendl, and the stage the proving of the will of Sofie Deutsch has reached.

© Commentary, Footnotes, Summary Ian Bent 2006

Bent, Ian
Türkel, Siegfried
Cambridge University Faculty of Music-Ian Bent
Türkel, Siegfried; Schenker, Heinrich; Deutsch, Sofie; Sophie; will; estate; Mendl, Fritz; Kammerrat; Chamber Counsellor; honorarium; pension; Verein; Futtermittelzentrale; Association
Typed letter from Türkel to Schenker, dated March 10, 1917
OC 16/29r, 28v, 27v
Deutsch, Sofie
Türkel, Siegfried
This document is presumed to be in the public domain. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence@mus.cam.ac.uk.
Schenker, Heinrich (1917-1935)-- Schenker, Jeanette (1935-1938)--Oster, Ernst (1938-c.1939)—New York Public Library (c.1939-)
IPR: Under investigation; Image: New York Public Library, New York; Transcription, Translation, Commentary, Footnotes, and Summary: Ian Bent.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 10, 1917 1:00 AM.

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The next post in this blog is OC 1/19–20 : 3-12-17.

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