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OJ 12/6, [45] & [12] : 6-27-35

Handwritten letter from Jonas and Salzer to Jeanette Schenker, dated June 27, 1935

{envelope (= [12]) recto}
Frau [/] Dr Lina Schenker
Kurhaus Dr Loebel

[written diagonally in lower-left corner, in two other hands:]
erwidert im Einverständnis [/] mit Prof. Violin [/] Hofgastein

[3 postmarks:] || 6 WIEN 56 | 28.VI. [illeg] 2–8 | * R * ||

{envelope verso}
Jonas [/] Salzer

{letter (= [45]}
27. VI 35

Sehr geehrte gnädige Frau!

Wie Sie vielleicht schon gehört haben, beabsichtigen wir, im Herbst eine Zeitschrift1 herauszugeben, die der Lehre und den Ideen Schenkers dienen soll. Nur aus Opportunitätsgründen haben wir im Prospekt eine allfällige Veröffentlichung des Nachlaßes in Aussicht gestellt. Der geplanten Vereinbarung über das Verfügungsrecht ist damit in keine Weise vorgegriffen und es wird ohne Ihr Eiverständnis nichts geschehen.2 Mit besten {2} Grüßen Ihre Ihnen sehr

[ sign’d: ] Oswald Jonas
[ sign’d: ] Felix Salzer

© Heirs of Oswald Jonas and Felix Salzer, published here with kind permission.
© Transcription John Rothgeb 2006.

Handwritten letter from Jonas and Salzer to Jeanette Schenker, dated June 27, 1935

{envelope (= [12]) recto}
Frau Dr Lina Schenker
Spa House Dr. Loebel

[written diagonally in lower-left corner, in two other hands:]
answered in agreement with Prof. Violin, Hofgastein
2. VII. 35

[3 postmarks:] || 6 WIEN 56 | 28.VI. [illeg] 2–8 | * R * ||

{envelope verso}
Jonas [/] Salzer

{letter (= [45]}
June 27, 1935

Dear Madam,

As you may already have heard, we intend in the fall to bring out a journal1 which is to serve the teaching and the ideas of Schenker. It was only because of the available opportunity that we referred in the prospectus to a possible publication of the Nachlass. The planned agreement concerning the right of access is in no way compromised thereby, and nothing will happen without your approval.2 With warmest {2} greetings, your most humble

[ sign’d: ] Oswald Jonas
[ sign’d: ] Felix Salzer

© Translation John Rothgeb, 2006.

Format: 2p letter, oblong format, message in Jonas's hand, signatures in Jonas's and Salzer's hands = [45] + handwritten envelope = [12]
Sender address: --
Recipient address: Hofgastein, Spa House Dr. Loebel


1 Der Dreiklang (cf. OJ 12/6, 43, March 9, 1935).

2 OJ 5/36, [1], July 2, 1935, from Jeanette Schenker to Jonas and Salzer, makes it clear that a “verbal agreement” had been reached beforehand, of which this letter is written confirmation.

Gives assurance regarding remark in prospectus [for Der Dreiklang ] concerning publication of Nachlass.

© Commentary, Footnotes, Summary John Rothgeb, 2006

Rothgeb, John
Jonas, Oswald
Salzer, Felix
Cambridge University Faculty of Music–Ian Bent
Jonas, Oswald; Salzer, Felix; Schenker, Jeanette; Schenker, Heinrich; Nachlass; publication; Der Dreiklang; prospectus
Handwritten letter from Jonas and Salzer to Schenker, dated June 27, 1935
OJ 12/6, [45] & [12]
Permission to publish on this website granted by the heirs of Oswald Jonas, March 2006, and the representative of the Felix Salzer Estate, December 2004.
Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1955)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1955-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
IPR: Heirs of Oswald Jonas and Felix Salzer; Image: University of California, Riverside; Transcription, Translation, Commentary, Footnotes, and Summary: John Rothgeb.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 27, 1935 1:00 AM.

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The next post in this blog is 10/18, [12] : 6-28-35.

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