Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Emil Hertzka (UE), dated and postmarked December 9, 1908 Sehr geehrter Herr Director ! In wenigen Tagen übersende ich Ihnen das gewünschte Elaborat, etwa 2 kleine Druckseiten stark, als Extrakt des Wissenswertesten.1 Mit ausgez Hochachtung [ UE stamp on verso: ] 9784 © Universal Edition A.G., Wien. |
Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Emil Hertzka (UE), dated and postmarked December 9, 1908 Dear Director, In a few days’ time, I shall be sending you the observations you requested, about two small printed pages, extracting the most interesting items of information.1 With kind regards, [UE stamp on verso:] 97843 © Translation Ian D. Bent 2005. |
COMMENTARY: FOOTNOTES: 1 Apparently at his presumed meeting with H on the morning of November 27 (OC 52/29 and WSLB 26, November 23 and 24) S undertook to write some additional remarks for the "large edn" of Niloff: Instrumentations-Tabelle just about to go to press. This material will expand considerably before submission, and lead to difficulties: see WSLB 29 and 30 and OC 52/399-401, December 16 and 18. SUMMARY: © Commentary, Footnotes, Summary Ian D. Bent 2005.