Ming Yuan
Professor, Department of Statistics
Associate Director, Data Science Institute
Columbia University
1255 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10027
Email: mingDOTyuanATcolumbiaDOTedu
(Please check here for information and contacts regarding Ph.D. program in statistics. Graduate admissions are handled at department level and I am NOT able to respond to inquries about specific applications.)
2004 Ph.D. in Statistics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2003 M.S. in Computer Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2000 M.S. in Probability and Statistics, Univ of Science and Technology of China
1997 B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Information Sciences, Univ of Science and Technology of China
Honors and Awards
2018 Medallion Lecturer, Institute of Mathematical Statistics
2017 Leo Breiman Junior Award, ASA Section on SLDS
2014 Guy Medal in Bronze, Royal Statistical Society
2012 Coca-Cola Junior Professorship, School of ISyE, Georgia Tech
2009 CAREER Award, DMS, National Science Foundation
2007 Distinguished Cancer Scholar, Georgia Cancer Coalition
2004 John van Ryzin Award, ENAR
Professional Services