Oded Netzer


  • Michal Herzenstien, Sanjana Rosario, Shin Oblander, and Oded Netzer (2024) “The Language of (Non)replicable Social Science.” Psychological Science, Forthcoming [Download paper]
  • Nicolas Padilla, Eva Ascarza. and Oded Netzer (2024) “The Customer Journey as a Source of Information.” Quantitative Marketing Economics, Forthcoming [Download paper]

     Recipient, 2019 Alden G. Clayton Doctoral Dissertation Competition

     Finalist, Mary Kay Doctoral Dissertation Competition

  • Ryan Dew, Eva Ascarza, Oded Netzer and Nachum Sicherman (2024) "Detecting Routines: Applications to Ridesharing CRM." Jounral of Marketing Research, 61(2), 368-392. [Download paper]
  • Yael Karlinsky-Shichor and Oded Netzer (2024) "Automating the B2B Salesperson Pricing Decisions: A Huamn Machine Hybrid Approach." Marketing Science, 43(1), 138-157.[Download paper]
      Finalist, 2017 Gary L. Lilian ISMS_MSI Practice Prize Award
  • Verena Schoenmueller, Oded Netzer and Florian Stahl (2023) "Polarized America: Going Beyond Political Partisanship to Preference Partisanship." Marketing Science: Frontiers, 42(1), 48-60. [Download paper]

     Finalist, John D.C. Little Award

  • Jochen Hartmann, Mark Heitmann, Christina Schamp and Oded Netzer (2021) "The Power of Brand Selfies." Journal of Marketing Research, 58(6), 1159-1177 [Download paper]

     Recipient, 2021 Professor Herbert Jacob Doctoral Dissertation Award

     Recipient, 2021 BVM/VMÖ/Swiss Insights Doctoral Dissertation Award

  • Jeayeon , anayn Li, Gita Johar, Oded Netzer and Mathew Pearson (2021) “Mining Consumer Minds: The Downstream Consequences of Host Motivations for Home Sharing Platforms,” Journal of Consumer Research, forthcoming [Download paper]
  • Du, Rex, Oded Netzer, David A. Schweidel and Debanjan Mitra (2021), “Capturing Marketing Information to Fuel Growth,” Journal of Marketing, 85(1), 163-183 [Download paper]
  • Verena Schoenmueller, Oded Netzer and Florian Stahl (2020) "The Polarity of Online Reviews: Prevalence, Drivers and Implications." Journal of Marketing Research, 57(5), 853-877 [Download paper] [Download web appendix]

     Finalist, 2020 Paul E. Green Best Paper Award

  • Berger, Jonah, Ashlee Humpherys, Stephan Ludwig, Wendy Moe, Oded Netzer and David Schweidel (2020) “Uniting the Tribes, Using Text for Marketing Insights.” Journal of Marketing , 84(1), 1-25[Download paper]
  • Oded Netzer, Alain Lemaire and Michal Herzenstein (2019) "When Words Sweat: Identifying Signals for Loan Default in the Text of Loan Applications." Journal of Marketing Research, 56(6), 960-980 [Download paper] [Download web appendix]

     Recipient, 2024 William O’Dell Best Paper Award

     Finalist, 2019 Paul E. Green Best Paper Award

  • Yang Li, Brett R. Gordon and Oded Netzer (2018), "An Empirical Study of National vs. Local Pricing under Multimarket Competition." Marketing Science 37(5), 812-837 [Download paper]
  • Ascarza, Eva, Scott Neslin, Oded Netzer et al. (2018), "In Pursuit of Enhanced Customer Retention Management." Customers Needs and Solutions 5(1), 65-81 [Download paper]

     Finalist, 2019 MSI Robert D. Buzzell Best Paper Award

  • Ascarza, Eva, Peter Ebbes, Oded Netzer and Matthew Danielson (2017), "Beyond the Target Customer: Social Effect of CRM Campaigns." Journal of Marketing Research, 54 (June), 347-363 (lead article) [Download paper] [Download web appendix]

     Finalist, 2017 Paul E. Green Best Paper Award

  • Matz, Sandra and Oded Netzer (2017), "Using Big Data as a Window into Consumers’ Psychology." Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 18 (December), 7-12 [Download paper]
  • Sharpe-Wessling Kathrine, Joel Huber and Oded Netzer (2017), "MTurk Character Misrepresentation: Assessment and Solutions." Journal of Consumer Research, 44 (1) [Download paper]
  • Toubia, Olivier and Oded Netzer (2017), "Idea Generation, Creativity, and Prototypicality." Marketing Science, 36 (1), 1-20 [Download paper]
      Recipient, 2017 John Little Best Paper Award
  • Keinan Anat, Ran Kivetz and Oded Netzer (2016), "The Functional Alibi." Journal of Academy of Consumer Research, 1 (4), 479-496 (lead article) [Download paper]
  • Schrift, Rom, Ran Kivetz and Oded Netzer (2016), "Complicating Decisions: The Work Ethic Heuristic and the Construction of Effortful Decisions." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 145 (7), 807-829 (lead article) [Download paper]
  • Lehmann, Donald, Oded Netzer and Olivier Toubia (2015), "The Future of Quantitative Marketing: Results of a Survey,” Introduction to Special Issue on the Future of Quantitative Marketing." Customer Needs and Solutions, 2 (1), 5-18
  • Zhang, Jonathan, Oded Netzer and Asim Ansari (2014), "Dynamic Targeted Pricing in B2B Relationships." Marketing Science, 33 (3), 317-337 (lead article) [Download paper]
      Finalist, 2014 John Little Best Paper Award
      Finalist, 2014, 2015 Frank M. Bass Outstanding Dissertation Award
  • Ansari, Asim, Ricardo Montoya and Oded Netzer (2012), "Dynamic Learning in Behavioral Games: A Hidden Markov Mixture of Experts Approach." Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 10 (4), 475-503 [Download paper]
  • de Jong Martijn G., Donald R. Lehmann and Oded Netzer (2012), "State Dependence Effects in Surveys." Marketing Science, 31 (5), 838-854 [Download paper]
  • Netzer, Oded, Ronen Feldman, Jacob Goldenberg and Moshe Fresko (2012), "Mine Your Own Business: Market Structure Surveillance through Text Mining." Marketing Science, 31 (3), 521-543 [Download paper]

  •  Recipient, 2020 Don Morrison Long-term Imacpt Award

  • Micu, Anca C., Kim Dedeker, Ian Lewis, Robert Moran, Oded Netzer, Joseph Plummer and Joel Robinson (2011), "Guest Editorial: The Shape of Marketing Research in 2021." Journal of Advertising Research, 51 (1), 213-221 [Download paper]
  • Schrift, Rom Y., Oded Netzer and Ran Kivetz (2011), "Complicating Choice." Journal of Marketing Research, 28, April (2), 308-326 [Download paper]
      Finalist, 2016 William O’Dell Best Paper Award
      Honorable Mention, 2011, AMA/John Howard, Doctoral Dissertation Competition
      Honorable Mention, 2011 AMS Mary Kay Doctoral Dissertation Competition
      Best Competitive Paper Award, Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP), Winter Conference, 2010
  • Netzer, Oded and V. Srinivasan (2011), "Adaptive Self-Explication of Multi-Attribute Preferences." Journal of Marketing Research, 48 February (1), 140-156 [Download paper]
  • Montoya, Ricardo, Oded Netzer and Kamel Jedidi (2010), "Dynamic Allocation of Pharmaceutical Detailing and Sampling for Long-Term Profitability." Marketing Science, 29 (5), September-October, 909-924 [Download paper]
      This paper has been reprinted in the book From Little’s Law to Marketing Science: Essays in Honor of John D. C. Little.
  • Netzer, Oded, James M. Lattin and V. Srinivasan (2008), "A Hidden Markov Model of Customer Relationship Dynamics." Marketing Science, 27, March-April, 185-204 [Download paper]
      Recipient, 2014 Long Term Impact Award
      Recipient, 2008 John Little Best Paper Award
      Recipient, 2008 Frank M. Bass Outstanding Dissertation Award
      Honorable Mention, Alden G. Clayton Doctoral Dissertation Competition
  • Netzer, Oded, Olivier Toubia, Eric T. Bradlow, Ely Dahan, Theodoros Evgeniou, Fred M. Feinberg, Eleanor M. Feit, Sam K. Hui , Joseph Johnson, John C. Liechty, James B. Orlin and Vithala R. Rao (2008), "Beyond Conjoint Analysis: Advances in Preference Measurement." Marketing Letters, 19 (3-4), 337-354 [Download paper]
  • Kivetz, Ran, Oded Netzer and Rom Schrift (2008), "The Synthesis of Preference: Bridging Behavioral Decision Research and Marketing Science." Journal of Consumer Psychology, 18 (3), 179-186 [Download paper]
  • Kivetz, Ran, Oded Netzer and V. Srinivasan (2004), "Extending Compromise Models to Complex Buying Situations and other Context Effects." Journal of Marketing Research, 41 August (3), 262-268 [Download paper]
  • Kivetz, Ran, Oded Netzer and V. Srinivasan (2004), "Alternative Models for Capturing the Compromise Effect." Journal of Marketing Research, 41 August (3), 237-257 (lead article) [Download paper]
      Finalist, 2009 William O’Dell Best Paper Award
      Finalist, 2005 Paul E. Green Best Paper Award


Book Chapters

  • Hartmann, Jochen and Netzer Oded (2023), "Natural Language Processing in Marketing." Artificial Intelligence in Marketing, Review of Marketing Research, , Volume 20, 191–215, edited by Olivier Toubia and K. Sudhir, Emerald [Download paper]
  • Netzer Oded, Peter Ebbes and Tammo Bijmolt (2017), "Hidden Markov Models in Marketing." Advanced Methods for Modeling Markets, edited by Peter Leeflang, Jaap Wieringa, Koen Pauwels, Springer [Download paper]
  • Moe, Wendy W., Oded Netzer and David A. Schweidel (2016), "Social Media and User Generated Content Analysis." Handbook of Marketing Decision Models, edited by Berend Wierenga and Ralf van der Lans, Springer [Download paper]

Working Papers

  • "Diversity in Advertising in Times of Racial Unrest." with Jochen Hartmann and Rachel Zalta [Download paper]
  • "Review-based Linguistic Matching." with Alain Lemaire
  • "Heterogeneity in HMMs: Allowing for Heterogeneity in the Number of States." with Nicolas Padilla and Ricardo Montoya [Download paper]
  • "Sell Me a Story: On the Role of Conflict, and Other Story Elements, in Ads’ Success" with Ron Shacahr and Lev Muchnik [Download paper]
  • "The Twofold Effect of Customer Retention in Freemium Settings." with Eva Ascarza and Julian Runge

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Columbia Business SchoolMarketing Division