Publications are listed in reverse chronological order. The final versions may slightly differ from the documents linked here.
- Scarf's Algorithm on Arborescence Hypergraphs. With K. Chandrasekaran, C. He, and J. Sethuraman.
- Non-distributive lattices, stable matchings, and linear optimization. With C. En.
- Reducing the Feeder Effect in Public School Admissions: A Bias-aware Analysis for Targeted Interventions . With S. Gupta, A. Vuorinen, and X. Zhang.
- Scarf's Algorithm and Stable Marriages. With C. He and J. Sethuraman. .
Published papers
- The Total Matching Polytope of Complete Bipartite Graphs. With L. Ferrarini. Operations Research Letters 56 (2024): 107-144.
- An Algorithm for the Assignment Game Beyond Additive Valuations. With E. Balkanski and C. En. Proceedings of EC 2024. A journal version is under submission.
- Two-stages Stochastic Stable Matching. With A. Foussoul and C. He. Proceedings of IPCO 2024.
- Internal Closedness and von Neumann-Morgenstern Stability in Matching Theory . With C. Stein and J. Wan. Proceedings of IPCO 2024. A journal version is under submission.
- The simultaneous-semi random model for TSP. With E. Balkanski and M. Kubik. Mathematical Programming, 206.1 (2024): 305-332. An extended abstract has appeared in the Proceedings of IPCO 2022.
- Discovering Opportunities in New York City's Discovery Program: Disadvantaged Students in Highly Competitive Markets. With S. Gupta and X. Zhang. Proceedings of EC 2023. A journal version is under submission.
- The Power of Greedy for Online Minimum Cost Matching on the Line . With E. Balkanski and N. Perivier. Proceedings of EC 2023. A journal version is under submission.
- Affinely representable lattices, stable matchings, and choice functions. With X. Zhang. Mathematical Programming, 97(2) (2023), pp. 721-760. An extended abstract has appeared in the proceedings of IPCO 2021.
- Approximation algorithms for the generalized incremental knapsack problem. With D. Segev and L. Zhang. Mathematical Programming, 198(1) (2023), pp. 27-83.
- Slack matrices, k-products, and 2-level polytopes. With M. Aprile, M. Conforti, S. Fiorini, T. Huynh, and M.Macchia. Accepted for publication in Discrete Applied Mathematics. An extended abstract has appeared in the proceedings of CTW 2020.
- Legal Assignment and fast EADAM with consent via classical theory of stable matchings. With X. Zhang. Operations Research 70(3) (2022), pp. 1873-1890.
- Quasi-popular matchings, optimality, and extended formulations. With T. Kavitha. Mathematics of Operations Research, 47(1) (2022), pp. 427-457. An extended abstract has appeared in the proceedings of SODA 2020.
- New limits of treewidth-based tractability in optimization. With G. Munoz and S. Pokutta. Mathematical Programming, 191 (2022), pp. 559-594.
- Understanding popular matchings via stable matchings . With A. Cseh, T. Kavitha, and V. Powers. Siam Journal on Discrete Mathematics 36.1 (2022), pp. 188-213.
- On inequalities with bounded coefficients and pitch for the Min Knapsack polytope. With D. Bienstock, I. Malinovic, M. Mastrolilli, O. Svensson and M. Zuckerberg. Discrete Optimization, 44 (2022), 100567. An extended abstract has appeared in the proceedings of ISCO 2018.
- (Un)stable matchings with blocking costs. With I. Mourtos, M. Samaris, and J. Sethuraman. Operations Research Letters 49 (2021), pp. 655-662.
- Pitch, extension complexity, and covering problems. With D. Bienstock and X. Zhang. Operations Research Letters 49 (2021), pp. 357-364.
- Extended formulations from communication protocols in output-efficient time. With M. Aprile. Mathematical Programming, 183 (2020), pp. 41--59. An extended abstract has appeared in the proceedings of IPCO 2019.
- Separation algorithm and extended formulations for the stable set polytope in claw-free graphs. With G. Oriolo and G. Stauffer. Mathematical Programming 188 (2021), pp. 53-84. An extended abstract has appeared in the proceedings of SODA 2012.
- Reinforcement learning for integer programming: learning to cut. With Y. Tang and S. Agrawal. Proceedings of ICML 2020.
- Balas formulation for the union of polytopes is optimal. With M. Conforti and M. Di Summa. Mathematical Programming, 180 (2020), pp. 311-326.
- Enumeration of 2-level polytopes. With A. Bohn, S. Fiorini, V. Fisikopoulos, M. Macchia, and K. Pashkovich. Mathematical Programming Computation, 11-1 (2019), pp. 173-210. An extended abstract has appeared in the proceedings of ESA 2015.
- Popular matchings and limits to tractability. With T. Kavitha, V. Powers, and Xingyu Zhang. Proceedings of SODA 2019.
- On 2-level polytopes arising in combinatorial settings. With M. Aprile and A. Cevallos. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 32-3 (2018), pp. 1857-1886. An extended abstract has appeared in the proceedings of ISCO 2016.
- A PTAS for the Time-Invariant Incremental Knapsack problem. With I. Malinovic. Proceedings of ISCO 2018
- Extension complexity of stable set polytopes of bipartite graphs. With M. Aprile, S. Fiorini, T. Huynh, and M. Macchia. Proceedings of WG 2017.
- Reverse Split rank. With M. Conforti, A. Del Pia, and M. Di Summa. Mathematical Programming, 154-1 (2015), pp. 273-303. An extended abstract has appeared in the proceedings of IPCO 2014.
- Extended formulations, non-negative factorizations, and randomized communication protocols. With S. Fiorini, R. Grappe, and H.R. Tiwary. Mathematical Programming, 153-1 (2015), pp. 75-94. An extended abstract has appeared in the proceedings of ISCO 2012.
- On the existence of compact epsilon-approximation for the knapsack polytope in the original space. With L. Sanità. Operations Research Letters , 43-3 (2015), pp. 339-342.
- Reverse Chvatal-Gomory rank. With M. Conforti, A. Del Pia, and M. Di Summa. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 29-1 (2015), pp. 166-181. An extended abstract has appeared in the proceedings of IPCO 2013.
- On largest volume simplices and sub-determinants. With M. Di Summa, F. Eisenbrand, and C. Moldenhauer. Proceedings of SODA 2015.
- Solving the weighted stable set problem in claw-free graphs via decomposition. With G. Oriolo and G. Stauffer. Journal of the ACM, 61-4:20 (2014).
- Solving the stable set problem in terms of the odd cycle packing number. With A. Bock, C. Moldenhauer, and A. Ruiz-Vargas. Proceedings of FSTTCS 2014.
- On the convergence of the affine hull of the Chvatal-Gomory closures. With G. Averkov, M. Conforti, A. Del Pia, and M. Di Summa. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 27-3 (2013).
- On coloring problems with local constraints. With F. Bonomo and G. Oriolo. Discrete Mathematics, 32:12-13 (2012).
- An algorithmic decomposition of claw-free graphs leading to an O(n^3)-algorithm for the weighted stable set problem. With G. Oriolo and G. Stauffer. Proceedings of SODA 2011.
- A fast algorithm to remove proper and homogeneous pairs of cliques (while preserving some graph invariants). With G. Oriolo and C. Snels. Operations Research Letters, Vol. 39, Issue 3 (2011).
- Extended Formulations for Packing and Partitioning Orbitopes. With V. Kaibel. Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol. 34, No. 3 (2009), pp. 686--697.
Book Chapters
- Stable sets in claw-free graphs: a journey through algorithms and polytopes. With G. Oriolo, G. Stauffer, and P. Ventura. In A. Ridha Mahjoub, editor, Progress in Combinatorial Optimization, Ed. Wiley-ISTE (2011), pp. 41--80.
Dormient Manuscripts
- The Incremental Knapsack Problem with Monotone Submodular All-or-Nothing Profits (2023). With F. D'Onofrio and L. Zhang.