Current classes (Spring 2025):
- IEORE8100 Advanced Combinatorial Optimization
- IEORE4008 Computational Discrete Optimization
- IEORE4008 (previously IEORE4573) Computational Discrete Optimization (Spring 2017-2020, 2022, 2024)
- IEORE4005 Production Scheduling (Spring 2024)
- IEORE6614 Optimization I (Fall 2023)
- CSORE4231 Analysis of Algorithms (Fall 2022)
- IEORE8100 Topics in IEOR: Matching Markets and Algorithms (Fall 2021)
- IEORE6614 Optimization II (Spring 2018-21)
- IEORE4004 Optimization Models and Methods (Fall 2017-18, 2021, 2024)
- IEORE8100 Topics in IEOR: Introduction to Discrete Optimization (Spring 2017)
- In January 2023, I gave a bootcamp on Matching Theory and School Choice at ICERM, Brown University: lecture one, lecture two, lecture three, and lecture four. On these topics, I also gave week-long Ph.D. schools at the University of Rome, Tor Vergata (Italy) in 2019, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) in 2023, and XIX Summer school in Discrete Mathematics (Chile) in 2024. Materials are available upon request.
- For the classes IEORE6614 and IEORE4008, I wrote some lecture notes on submodular functions.
- While at EPFL (Switzerland), I taught a PhD class on Strong Relaxations for Discrete Optimization problems.
- Here you can find the lecture notes (in Italian) I co-authored for a B.Sc. class in Graph Theory at the University of Padua (Italy).