Shackle, C. Umrāʻo Jān Adā a glossary (v. 1)

([London :  SOAS,  1970?])



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(14«'15)        A few days later Dilavar Khan and Pir Bakhsh come to

collect Umrao, who is taken by night across Lucknow to
Khanum Jan's house in the Chawk»  Description of Khanum
as she then was*

(15-16)        Khanum talks terms with the villains and pays them Rs»125
for Umrao*

C16-I7)        After the villains have left, Khanum and Eua Husaini talk
about them, then question Uinrao»  She io re-named Uirut'-ao
(instead of Amiran)niusaini is granted her request and

allowed to bring her up.

(17-18)        Umi-ao dreams of home, but is comforted by Husaini.  She

soon realizes that there is to be no return, and starts tr^
enjoy life in Khanum*s splendid eatablishment, with the
other girls, Bismillahi Khurshid and Amir Jan, knowing that
she's as firmly placed in this house as a bride in her


(19)                            Description of Kl-ianum's splendid establishment, and the

courtesans* life of luxury.  Her daughter Bism.illah, and
Khurshid^ are under instruction, like Umraoo

(19"-21)        Umrao is selected for musical training.  Kha.num twice

corrects her music^mester, leading to some coolness between
them*  But Umrao is eager to learn from any expert.

(21-'22)        Neither Bismillah nor Khurshid have a gift for music* The
best one is the ugly Biga Jan (described), whom Omrao is
always pestering.  Biga Jan sings a Hindi dhurpad.

(22-23)        The girls are taught reading and writing by an elderly

Maulvi (described), Husaini*s lover:  ehe looks after him
well.  This attachment makes him a particularly careful
teacher of Umrao, who learns Persian and some Arabic fro;u
him.  She is everlastingly grateful for his care, for t!:.;
polish and the love of poetry which he gave her*


(24)                            The three girls study with the Maulvi « also the naught;

Gauhar Mirza,
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