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Kenneth ClarkKenneth Clark
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Session:         Page of 763

teachers, like mathematics teachers, have blinders and don't boaden their subject matter to let the average student, and I guess in science I was an average student, see the implications of this, the broader implications.

And I guess, as I told you, the thing that really made me change my mind was my judgment of the quality and the caliber of the students who seemed to be doing well and going on in science. To medical school. They seemed to me, at that time -- and I don't know that I've changed my mind too much -- rather limited.


You were telling about your German professor, who would take you aside to explain the logic of the language to you afterwards. Were you having particular difficulty with German?


Oh, yes. Yes, I think I was having difficulty with German. He was a very good teacher, but he had a method that I thought was very good, except that I wasn't particularly good at it. He would not just have you translate German, you know, and study the declensions and what not and the vocabblary. He would have you write German. I wasn't particularly good at this, writing German. I don't think I was particularly good in German anyway. I loved the language. But, I guess like most languages, it's something you have to study. You know, you'd have to sit down and get involved in. And I never did.

I didn't get involved in any of my courses until I got involved in psychology. Then I really got totally involved.


Part of what prompted that German language question was my own

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