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Kenneth ClarkKenneth Clark
Photo Gallery

Session:         Page of 763

reflected. The lack of power on the part of the residents of the community to control their destinies in the significant areas of their lives, such as schools, housing and other services.

All right. And I-- my theme was that you could not control deliquency in isolation from the total pattern of pathology of the community; that delinquency was merely one of the symptoms of community pathology.

Let me get back to the process. In the process of preparing this document, with a top level staff, I returned to Harlem, you know. I was no longer isolated, either on the Hill at City College as a professor, or at 110th St. as a research observer of a clinical process. I mean, I was now immersed in the center of Harlem. Our headquarters was at 135th St. and Seventh Avenue, in the YMCA. My office was the log cabin on the first floor of the YMCA -- very symbolic. You know, we brought in young people, in the process of helping us to understand the community and themselves telling us how they saw the community and what they thought necessary to help their peers and themselves be more constructive.

And it's an experience I'll never forget. You know, I grew up in Harlem, but I didn't see Harlem, when I was growing up in Harlem, the way I saw it when I returned. The Harlem I saw was the Harlem of ferment and excitement and challenge, dominated by my mother, and caring teachers and what not.. The Harlem that I returned to, I must say, from the perspective of social scientists, blacks, who return, was almost 180 degrees different. I mean, I saw a Harlem of neglect. I saw a Harlem of despair. I saw Harlem where -- that was

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