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Kenneth ClarkKenneth Clark
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of selective morality here, in which the venality of Nixon is discussed and described as if it were atypical, when it may be that it's not atypical as much as it's unsmooth or not as clearly and as carefully calculated as some of our more respected politicians get away with.

I read in today's NEW YORK TIMES, May 10, 1976, -- a very disturbing column by Saffire, on the three Attorney Generals. And oddly enough, I didn't pay any attention to the byline when I started reading the material, and I'm glad I didn't, because it was a very persuasive indictment of the Kennedy-Johnson Administration, in terms of invasion of privacy.

You talk about (Nicholas) Katzenbach's role in the bugging of Martin Luther King -- the fact that Katzenbach knew this was happening. Katzenbach knew that the FBI, and specifically J. Edgar Hoover, were leaking tapes on illegal bugging of rooms in which Martin stayed. By the way, Martin knew this too, you know.


He knew he was beging bugged?


Oh yes, he knew he was being bugged from the very beginning, which I find interesting.

And the most disturbing thing in Saffire's piece was what he wrote about my friend Ramsey(Clark) when Ramsey was Attorney General.


You're talking about Ramsey Clark.


Yes, Ramsey Clark. Ramsey is one of my heroes, in a way, in terms of the thing -- I just want to believe that Saffire is

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