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Kenneth ClarkKenneth Clark
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Session:         Page of 763


Of course he did. I mean, I knew that that's what he was doing. But I was also identifying with the poor people who were carried away by his hypnotic, demagogic kind of -- I used to watch Adam manipulate people--

Well, to show you my own limitations, I was considered admirable outside of the church, but highly questionable within the church. Now, that is silly, you know,. It doesn't make any rational sense whatsoever. But when Adam kept -- when Adam would get on that pulpit, using the name of the Lord and the Bible and-- you know. Cynically, for his own material-- I said, “Oh, my God, this has gone way beyond the line..”

But, what the hell?

By the way, I feel the same way about a professor, you know. I mean, in my quarrel with James Coleman, in a way I think what he did was to use his status, his prestige, being a professor in social science, to sell his personal biases. And I'm disgusted about this. There are some things which I think --

Oh yell, I hate to hear myself talking this way, because it sounds so indefensibly self-righteous and non-rational, and I like to be rational, but there are some areas in which I'm not rational. I think, there are certain professions that should not be, as far as possible, contaminated by.....oh hell. And I know they are. And you know, I know that they are more often than they're not.But they make me angrier --

See, I don't mind a politician qua politician behaving like one. But I hate like hell to see a minister or a professor using

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