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Kenneth ClarkKenneth Clark
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Session:         Page of 763


Yes, I wanted to come back to him and a couple of other points.

First of all, normally the interviewer is supposed to keep his personal experiences out of it, but since this involves the briefing that you gave me, I think it might be appropriate to have it in your record. Right after I first met you, and we were to proceed to the briefing, one of the first things you said was, you would not discuss Adam from a psychologist's standpoint, that you would do that only if you had the results of a thorough psychoanalysis. Do you still feel that way today, as far as his psyche goes?


Yes, because he was one of the most complex human beings I ever met, and as I told you, I had affection -- I mean, I felt that I liked this person. He was a charmer. And I also felt that he was a con man, you know. And I also felt that he was such a complex person that certainly a professional shouldn't be too glib, in trying to say, what does this represent?

Now, I can, as a person in this kind of relationship with him, tell you the things I've told you. I can describe to you that after this rather intense head to head critical discussion, in his office, he would drive me up to Howard University, and he'd be talking about his son, and I could empathize with him in his identification with his son. His son and my son, by the way, look as if they are brothers.

I would have hated like hell to be Adam's therapist, except that I don't think anybody could be Adam's therapist. Adam would out-smart therapists; the most competent therapists I could think of

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