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Kenneth ClarkKenneth Clark
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Session:         Page of 763

reference to Ralph Bunche's position relative to the death of Lumumba, that he took somewhat of a position, I believe at the United Nations, that the death of Lumumba wasn't all bad.


Did I say that?


I believe you made some fleeting reference --


Well, no, if I said that, I shouldn't have, because I don't remember ever discussing --


-- that he kind of took an establishment position.


Well, at the time, Ralph Bunche was Under Secretary --


-- yes --


-- of the UN, and I remember that some blacks, including ?Lorraine Hansberry, had a demonstration at the UN, and if I remember correctly, they charged Ralph Bunche with either indifference or insensitivity, if not conspiracy in some way. I never shared that, and -- well, I didn't share it because I certainly knew of no evidence to support it, and I guess basically because I was then and have always been, throughout his life, identified with Ralph Bunche. I mean, I just couldn't conceive of his --


-- you may have made this reference to Lorra inez Hansberry.


Yes. I would never entertain the notion that Bunche would be knowingly a part of any conspiracy to take the life of

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