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Kenneth ClarkKenneth Clark
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Session:         Page of 763

you see. And he doesn't have the breadth and variety of experiences to know that inertia, apathy, you know, regression to the traditional patterns, will occur in top corporations, on issues other than affirmative action.

I'm not sure that, to say this to the ghetto makes very much sense, in terms of the reality of the ghetto experience. It's true. It's right. You know, I always had my wonderful debates with Martin Luther King about telling the masses of blacks that they should “love the oppressor.” And what was the basis of my arguments with Martin? -- which, by the way, obviously never involved hostility, although Martin sometimes was concerned about my criticism. He'd rate it.

And I'd say, “Look -- you can afford to say this, because of the tremendous background and training and education and what not, you can talk about the different meanings of love, etc., and understand what you're saying. Damn it, the guy in the middle of the ghetto, who sees his children constantly threatened by rats, and sees himself constantly in debt, and paying a hell of a lot more for shoddy goods, having to send his children to inferior schools, and seeing teachers indifferent to the potential of his children, and then seeing, you know, quite different kinds of privileges and advantages afforded to other people -- it's putting a terrible addition burden on him to say, ‘Love.’”

I'll go along with saying, you know, “violence is self-destructive, violence will incite more powerful counter-violence” --

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