Abel, I.W. |
676 |
Abrams, General Creighton |
544 |
Acheson, Dean |
185 |
Adenauer, Konrad |
187-8, 244 |
Adler, General? |
197 |
Agnew, Spiro |
560 |
Albritton, Joseph |
388-9 |
Alexander, Roy |
249 |
Allende, Salvadore |
659-60 |
Anderson, John |
527, 578 |
Aquino, Corazon |
579 |
Arthurs, Alberta |
527-8, 744 |
Astor, Brook |
69, 304, 711-12, 761-2, 766, 770, 783-5 |
Auer, Bernard |
168, 288, 508, 602 |
Baker, Edward |
382 |
Baker, James |
582 |
Bancroft, Mary |
236-7 |
Banks, Louis |
510 |
Barnett, Lincoln |
54 |
Beame, Abraham |
716-7 |
Bear, Charles |
287, 302-3, 307 |
Beaverbrook, Baron William M. |
810 |
Behn, Colonel? |
21-2 |
Bellow, Saul |
391 |
Bennet, William J. |
520-23, 722-3 |
Bere, James |
332 |
Bergstrom, Charles |
535 |
Beetran, Pedro |
656 |
Billings, John S. |
43, 44, 52, 56, 58, 60, 65, 71, 74, 90, 193, 225, 256, 266, 802-8 |
Black, Howard |
162, 235, 267-8, 270, 272, 273-4 |
Bloustein, Edward |
499-500 |
Blum, John |
445 |
Blum, Leon |
25 |
Bok, Derek |
437-8, 442, 444-5, 447, 460, 462-9, 470-1, 477, 483, 488, 521-3 |
Boorstin, Daniel |
531 |
Bourke-White, Margaret |
50, 63, 70 |
Bradley, Omar N. |
207, 208-9 |
Breech, Ernest |
723 |
Brenner, Yul |
23 |
Brown, Carter |
531 |
Brown, Earl |
638 |
Brumbaugh, David |
267, 272, 334-5, 429 |
Buchanan, John |
535, 539 |
Buckley, Michael |
289, 400-3, 405 |
Bullitt, William |
126, 129 |
Bundy, MacGeorge |
454-5, 681 |
Busch, Noel |
54, 69 |
Butler, Samuel |
428, 795 |
Cabot, Paul |
453 |
Caldwell, Phil |
725 |
Cambell, Julie |
599 |
Camrose, Lord? |
197 |
Carrol, Madeline |
88-91, 255, 729-30 |
Carter, James E. |
572-7, 698 |
Castro, Fidel |
656 |
Cavanaugh, Jerome P. |
677 |
Cave, Ray |
479-80, 514-5 |
Cerf, Edward |
220-1 |
Chambers, Whittaker |
133-6, 188, 246, 628 |
Chammoro, Pedro |
654, 658 |
Chammoro, Violetta |
654-5, 658 |
Charles, Prince of Wales |
484, 486 |
Chickering, |
136 |
Churchill, Winston |
100, 130, 196-203, 206, 208, 211-3 |
Clayton, Constance |
528-9 |
Clifford, Clark |
563, 574 |
Clurman, Richard |
552, 555 |
Coffey, Diane |
719, 778 |
Cohen, David |
692 |
Cordiner, Ralph |
725 |
Corre, Max |
81 84 |
Cort, David |
54 |
Cowles, John |
154 |
Cox, Archibald |
435 |
Cox, Anthony |
157 |
Crinkley, Richard |
732, 736, 738-9, 740 |
Crosby, John |
175 |
Crouse, Anna |
733-5, 742, 744, 796 |
Crouse, Lindsay |
733 |
Cullman, Joan |
740 |
Cuomo, Mario |
788-9 |
Currier, Audrey |
674 |
Currier, Steven |
671-2, 674, 679 |
Cutler, Lloyd |
574-5, 698 |
Davenport, Mitchell |
72, 237-8 |
Davenport, Russell |
99-100, 125 |
Davis, Gordon |
772-3, 775-6 |
Davidson, Ralph |
302, 304, 307-10, 511-12, 516 |
Dean, John |
560 |
de Gasperi, Alcide |
244 |
de Gaulle, Charles A. |
245 |
Denman, Joseph |
405 |
Dewey, Thomas E. |
108 175-6 210 239 |
Dietel, William |
761-3 |
Dillon, Douglas |
693-4, 700, 746 |
Dillon, Joan K. |
531 |
Dingman, Michael |
333 |
Dominguez, Jorge |
495 |
Donnelly, Gaylord |
419 |
Donnelley, T. E. |
418-19 |
Donovan, Hedley |
123, 139-40, 142-7, 157, 171, 172, 194, 227, 230, 249-50, 252, 264, 271-3, 277, 279-80, 283-5, 287, 289, 291-7, 299, 404, 426, 510, 513-4, 544, 545, 552-3, 559, 560-1, 563, 566, 570, 572-5, 577, 591 601, 634, 641, 648-51, 661, 663, 698, 702-3, 811, 815-8, 824 |
Donovan, Peter |
552 |
Drum, Clifford |
591 |
Dulles, John Foster |
187-8, 239, 562-3, 812, 814 |
Duncan, David D. |
52 |
Duran, Gustavo |
182 |
Edward, Duke of Windsor |
203-6 |
Eisenhower, Dwight D. |
306-7, 239, 241, 245, 246, 541, 562 |
Eisenstaedt, Alfred |
50, 53 |
Elisofon, Eliot |
51 |
Elson, Robert |
112, 116, 150, 192 |
Ervin, Samuel |
559-60 |
Everette, Jessie |
499 |
Falwell, Jerry |
579 |
Field, John |
74 |
Flannagan, Dennis |
606 |
Foley, Neil |
788-9 |
Ford, Gerald |
571, 573, 576 |
Ford, Henry |
676-8, 722-5, 729 |
Forrest, Wilbur |
36 |
Frankel, Max |
358-9 |
Frankenthaler, Helen |
504 |
Freeman, Gaylord |
282, 326, 331, 334 |
Fuerbringer, Otto |
169, 382, 386, 507-8, 509-10, 545, 602, 611-2, 818 |
Gates, Artemus “Di” |
222 |
Gardener, John |
314, 317, 387, 543, 669, 682-4, 686-7, 689, 691-2, 698-9 |
Gart, Murray |
391-2, 394, 395 |
Geer, William D. |
119 |
Gersten, Bernard |
733, 736, 737, 742-3, 754 |
Getty, Ann |
786-7 |
Getty, Samuel |
786-7 |
Goodrich, Henry |
333 409 |
Gordon, Albert H. |
473 |
Goro, Fritz |
50 |
Gottfried, Manfred |
91 |
Graebner, Walter |
197 |
Graham, Catherine |
397 584 |
Graham, Philip |
509 |
Graves, Ralph |
147, 157, 167, 171, 216, 298, 512-3, 515, 552, 554 |
Gregorian, Vartan |
480, 712, 746, 764-6, 784, 795-98 |
Griffin, William |
222, 223 |
Griffith, Thomas |
552 |
Grover, Alan |
65, 236 |
Grum, Clifford |
302, 304, 308, 333, 405 |
Grunwald, Henry |
284, 285, 297-9, 507, 509-10, 512-4, 515, 559, 563, 585, 590, 606, 630, 634 |
Hadden, Briton |
69, 124, 612 |
Hammer, Armand |
728-9 |
Hardy, Hugh |
781 |
Hardy, Jerry |
150-1, 156, 366-7, 566 |
Haverman, Ernest |
207 |
Heard, Alexander |
314, 327 |
Hearst, William R. |
506, 810 |
Heckinger, Fred |
744 |
Heinz, Drew |
770 |
Heiskell, Ann |
1-5, 7-10, 12, 14, 17, 19-21, 24, 28, 31, 35 |
Heiskell, Diana |
4, 10, 12, 14, 20, 24 |
Heiskell, Morgan |
1-5, 7-8, 11-2, 18, 21-3 |
Helman, Geoffrey |
807-8 |
Hersey, John |
55 |
Hicks, Wilson |
36, 41, 44, 51, 57, 806 |
Hillman, William |
211 |
Hiss, Alger |
133-6, 180 |
Hitler, Adolf |
25, 93, 578 |
Hodgins, Eric |
58 |
Horner, Matina |
317, 327 |
Hoyt, Franklin |
391-2 |
Hughes, Howard |
214-7 |
Humphrey, Hubert |
145, 546 |
Hunt, George P. |
193-4 |
Hunter, Chris |
683 |
Ingersoll, Ralph |
75, 257, 268 |
Irving, Clifford |
214-7 |
Jacklow, Linda |
753 |
Jackson, C.D. |
74-5, 90, 96, 105, 141-2, 235, 266, 286 |
Jacobs, Jane |
771 |
Jacoby, Annalee |
136 |
Jacoby, Neil |
136 |
James, Sidney L. |
173-4, 215, 595 |
Jaroff, Leon |
606 |
Jessup, Jack |
128, 187, 190 |
Johnson, Lady Bird |
566-8, 570 |
Johnson, Linda |
568 |
Johnson, Lyndon B. |
542-3, 546, 561, 564-70, 581 |
Johnson, Philip |
740 |
Johnson, Samuel |
499 |
Jones, Reginald |
726-7 |
Jordon, Vernon |
676 |
Kai-shek, Chiang |
130-2 180 |
Karamarlis, Constantine |
725 |
Kastner, Joseph |
54, 66 |
Kearnes, David |
317, 329 |
Keelor, Robert |
326, 337 |
Keglor, Arthur |
157, 268, 317 |
Kennan, George |
129, 800-1 |
Kennedy, John F. |
252-4, 259, 561, 563-5 |
Kennedy, Joseph |
253 |
Keppel, Frank |
350-1 |
Kessel, Dimitri |
51, 97 |
Kessel, Joseph |
87-8 |
Khrushchev, Nikita |
213-4 |
King, Alexander |
54, 804 |
Kissinger, Henry |
560 |
Knight, Jack |
652 |
Koch, Edward |
716, 719-21, 766, 776, 778-9 |
Kropp, Arthur |
535 |
Kunhardt, Philip |
167 |
Laguerre, Andre |
595-6, 598 |
Lamont, Thomas |
429 |
Larsen, Margo |
815 |
Larsen, Roy |
65, 74-5, 90, 114-5, 119, 124, 149, 223-6, 235-6, 257, 266, 267, 269-70, 271-4, 279, 321, 336, 337, 354, 429, 474, 669, 691, 814-5 |
Lasker, Mary |
474 |
Lazareff, Pierre |
86-7 |
Lear, Norman |
524-5, 538-9 |
LeRoy, Werner |
753, 771, 775, 779, 781 |
Levanthal, Nathan |
749, 757 |
Levin, Jerry |
356, 359-60, 365 |
Lindsay, John |
676, 714-7, 732-6, 742-3, 745, 753 |
Linen, James |
119, 224, 292-3, 299, 312, 321, 330, 350, 355, 375-6, 386, 544, 596 |
Linowitz, Solomon |
314, 317 |
Loeb, Louis |
197 |
Loeb, Marshall |
592, 603-4 |
Longwell, Daniel |
36-7, 42, 44, 57, 60, 65, 90, 116, 803-4, 806 |
Loomis, Carol |
591 |
Louis, Victor |
214 |
Luce, Clare Boothe |
224, 227-31, 233, 239, 242, 243, 255, 259-61, 813-5 |
Luce, Henry III |
37, 57-9, 63-6, 71-2, 75, 89, 93, 96, 100, 116-9, 122-6, 127, 129-131, 133, 138-9, 144-5, 170-1, 175, 179-83, 184-5, 186-92, 204, 207-9, 210, 221-65,
267, 269, 270, 271-7, 279, 280-2, 283, 294, 295-7, 300, 312-3, 316, 320, 323, 331, 336-8, 347, 353, 354, 372, 376, 380, 382, 384, 386, 418, 420, 505-7,
510, 511, 512, 541-51, 553, 562-3, 577, 580, 593-5, 597-8, 612, 623, 625-44, 691, 802, 805-16, 824 |
Luce, Henry IV (Hank) |
231-3, 339-40, 423, 509, 510-1 |
Luce, Peter |
231 |
Luce, Sheldon |
231 |
Lyman, Richard |
527-8 |
MacArthur, General Douglas |
207-9, 809, 812 |
MacLeish, Archibald |
185 |
Malamud, Bernard |
499 |
Manley, Joan |
290, 374, 638, |
Marcos, Ferdinand |
555 |
Marcos, Imelda |
555-6 |
Martin, John |
802 |
Mascotte, Jack |
481, 790 |
Matthews, Thomas S. |
91, 247-9, 506-7 |
Maxwell, Hannish |
789-90 |
McAdams, Robert |
531 |
McArthur, John |
459, 481 |
McCarthy, Joseph |
177-83, 225, 542, 809 |
McCullough, Frank |
215, 548 |
McDougall, Rodney |
453, 470 |
McGillicuddy, John F. |
787 |
McGovern, George S. |
145-6 |
McHenry, Barnabas |
525 |
McKenzie, Compton |
4, 20 |
McKeough, Richard |
302-3 |
McLaury, Bruce |
695 |
McManus, Jason |
515-6 |
McNamara, Robert |
543, 693, 695, 697-700, 723 |
Meany, George |
676, 679 |
Meek, Samuel |
223, 259 |
Meuller, Sue |
758 |
Meyer, Joseph |
430 |
Meyers, John |
511, 516 |
Michener, James |
480 |
Mitchell, John |
559-60 |
Mockler, Coleman |
470-2 |
Mohr, Charles |
548 |
Mondale, Walter |
576 |
Monroe, Richard |
302-4, 307-10, 311, 315-6, 355, 365, 377, 429-30, 516 |
Moore, Elizabeth Luce |
221-2, 233 |
Moore, Maurice “Tex” |
166, 206, 221-2, 223, 233, 272, 273-4, 320-1, 427, 813 |
Mosher, Greg |
733, 736, 739, 742, 748, 754 |
Moyers, William |
539 |
Moynihan, Patrick |
432, 685-7 |
Munthe, Axel |
4, 6 |
Murphy, Charles J. |
55, 204-5 |
Murphy, Joseph |
503 |
Mydans, Carl |
51, 79, 82, 86 |
Mydans, Shelley |
79 |
Myerson, Martin |
434 |
Nakasone, ? |
486-7 |
Nehru, Jawaharlal |
187, 244, 245 |
Nicholas, Nick |
309-10, 365 |
Niebuhr, Reinhold |
812 |
Nixon, Richard |
135, 142-6, 214, 245-6, 253, 543-7, 553, 558-61, 571 |
O'Heron, John |
429-30 |
Olin, Laurie |
780 |
Pace, Frank |
329-30 |
Paine, Del |
79, 89 |
Payne, Ralph |
590 |
Paley, William |
375-6, 721-2, 746 |
Palmieri, Victor |
744, 753 |
Parker, Gail |
501-2 |
Parks, Gordon |
49, 638-9 |
Pauling, Linus |
491 |
Paxton, (illustrator) |
98 |
Perkins, Donald |
307, 317, 327 |
Peterson, Rudy |
334 |
Picasso, Pablo |
52 |
Piel, Gerard |
606 |
Pinochet, Ugarte |
661-3 |
Podesta, Tony |
535, 539 |
Prendergast, Curt |
271-2, 275, 284, 288, 312, 314, 383, 411, 547, 552, 585-6, 632-4 |
Prentice, Perry I. |
59, 75, 119, 257, 268, 619 |
Pryor, Samuel |
244 |
Putnum, George |
452-3 |
Randolph, A. Philip |
677, 681, 684 |
Reagan, Nancy |
532-4, 578, 582-3 |
Reagan, Ronald |
190, 485, 523, 534, 576, 576-8, 582, 769 |
Reed, Annette |
785 |
Reid, Ellen |
36-7 |
Reid, Odgen |
35-6 |
Reston, James “Scotty” |
387-9, 682 |
Reuther, Walter |
646-8, 679 |
Richmond, Henry |
52 |
Roberts, Oral |
539 |
Rockefeller, Blanchette |
709 |
Rockefeller, David |
677, 705, 707-13 |
Rockefeller, John D. Jr. |
705, 708 |
Rockefeller, Laurence |
705, 708, 713-4 |
Rockefeller, Nelson |
705-9 |
Romney, George |
707 |
Romulo, ? |
245 |
Rosenblat, Arthur |
767 |
Royhaytn, Felix |
429-30, 717-8 |
Royhaytn, Elizabeth |
478, 717 |
Roosa, Robert |
695 |
Roosevelt, Franklin D. |
31, 100, 107-8, 212 |
Rossovsky, Henry |
470, 472, 476, 481 |
Rothchild, William |
435-7, 473 |
Rouse, James |
669-70, 689, 691-3, 699 |
Rukeyser, William |
603 |
Rustin, Bayard |
681 |
Ryan, Patricia |
638 |
Salomon, Richard |
712, 758, 760, 762-8, 784-5, 787 |
Samuels, John |
741-2 |
Sanford, Terry |
707 |
Sargent, John |
760 |
Sarnoff, General? |
333 |
Schwartz, Fredrick |
141-2 |
Schlichter, Charles |
470-1 |
Schoenfeld, ? |
753 |
Schultz, Arthur |
530 |
Scott, Cornelia |
91 |
Segal, Martin |
732-46, 737, 739, 743, 749 |
Sermelino, Maria |
118 |
Sharon, Ariel |
427 |
Shepley, James |
143-4, 157, 193-4, 285-7, 289-93, 299, 301-2, 332-3, 360, 365, 388, 391, 393-5, 397, 403, 426, 430, 509-11, 544, 545, 590, 641, 762 |
Sherman, Harry |
370 |
Shultz, George |
485-6 |
Sidey, Hugh |
549, 563-4 |
Silk, George |
52 |
Sloane, Alfred |
726-7, 729 |
Sparr, William |
30 |
Stackpole, Peter |
49-50 |
Stalin, Svetlana |
213 |
Stanton, Frank |
375-6, 496-7, 721-2 |
Steele, Frank |
548 |
Steinbrenner, John |
697 |
Stern, Henry |
773, 776-80 |
Stevenson, Adelai |
247-8 |
Stillman, Charlie |
76, 109, 233, 267, 272, 273, 328, 336, 383, 386, 399, 429 |
Stolley, Richard |
167, 616-7 822 |
Store, Robert |
466, 470-1, 473-5 |
Store, Shep |
497-8 |
Sulzburger, Arthur O. |
387 |
Summerfield, Arthur E. |
161 |
Susskind, David |
365 |
Suzman, Helen |
666 |
Swanberg, W.A. |
186-90 |
Talbot, Strobe |
213-4, 697 |
Taylor, Elizabeth |
617 |
Temple, Arthur |
301-2, 317, 321-4, 326, 332-3, 401-3, 405-7, 408-9, 411-2, 415-7 |
Thompson, Edward |
105, 116, 148, 150, 153, 192-3, 210, 218 |
Thorndyke, Joseph |
71, 116-7, 148, 192, 808 |
Tisch, Laurence |
377 |
Truman, Harry S. |
107, 176, 201, 210-1, 562-3 |
Truman, Margaret |
563 |
Tudor, Charles |
52 |
Tutu, Bishop Desmond |
665-6 |
Valk, Gary |
156-7 |
Vance, Cyrus |
493 |
Wainright, Loudon |
47, 65, 117, 221 |
Wallace S., Dutchess of Windsor |
204-6 |
Warner, Rawleigh |
282, 326, 329, 409-10 |
Watson, Thomas |
282, 300, 325, 351, 403-4, 728 |
Weaver, Pat |
333 |
Weber, Temple |
337-8 |
Weissman, George |
749-52, 757 |
Welch, Joseph |
177, 518-20 |
White, Frank |
382 |
White, Theodore |
132-3, 247 |
Whitney, Major General? |
207 |
Wilkie, Wendell |
99, 185, 237-9 |
Wilkins, Roy |
677 |
Winchell, Walter |
182 |
Wooton,? |
193-4 |
Wyman, Thomas |
377 |
Xiaoping, Deng |
579 |
Yarmolinsky, Adam |
800-1 |
Yates, Sidney |
526-7 |
Yoder, Don |
391 |
Young, Whitney |
676-7 |
Zeckendorf, William |
373 420-1 |