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Andrew HeiskellAndrew Heiskell
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Session:         Page of 824

think Washington did play too dominant a role at that time. And of course, Washington always does, because that's where the President is. And the President, and the Bureau Chief, or a Hugh Sidey as a columnist will always get more attention than the correspondent in the field when the issue is as much a Washington issue as it is a Vietnam issue.


Well, in this case, in terms of just actually reporting a battle, a particular battle, why was that considered in Time, more a Washington issue than what was actually happening in Vietnam?


I don't think in reporting a battle, there may have been instances of that, but in-


Or just in reporting how the war in general looked from Vietnam versus Washington.


Well, the--


I.e. were we losing it or winning it? Why would Washington?


Simply because that's where the power is. You know, the power is in the White House. Particularly in war the power is in the White House.


You mean the power of information? The information?

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