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Notable New     Yorkers
Select     Notable New Yorker

Andrew HeiskellAndrew Heiskell
Photo Gallery

Session:         Page of 824

Mrs. Marcos. Mrs. Marcos commandeered the royal yacht four hundred feet long, commandeered all the ladies of Manila and there at ten o'clock next morning we took off on this marvelous yacht. Bands playing, champagne pouring, and so on, and so on; off to Corregidor, and Bataan and so on, and so on.


And World War II?


Which was very interesting. Actually it was very interesting, but it was not exactly part of the schedule. But there it is. That was Imelda Marcos. And then by the time we got back there'd been cables going back and forth to Washington and to Saigon, and by the time we got back we were on again. We landed in Vietnam and I remember sitting there in the terrace of of that hotel in Saigon. And we were there drinking champagne, having a fine old time with all the brass and so forth, and hearing the guns going off around us. Because the Viet Cong at night, would operate within a few miles of Saigon. Gives you a wierd sensation.


Who are some of the C.E.O.s with you on that trip?


I can't remember them. But I could give you the list. That I can fill in but--


Anything else that you recall about how their opinion's changed or, you know, on that trip? Is there anything note worthy? Comes to mind?

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