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Andrew HeiskellAndrew Heiskell
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Session:         Page of 824

at not making them. Henry Stern, he was a councilman and he's in the political machine. The few times he makes a decision, he gets pushed in to making a decision, he finds himself in trouble. When he decided to have an automobile race somewhere out in Queens everybody was up in arms. I don't know who pushed him in to making that decision--I'm sure he wouldn't have done it by himself--but this was just another example of what happened.

Look at Westway. Ten years and failure! Nobody making a decision. Finally it revolved around some goddamn fish.


What are you talking about? I didn't hear.




Westway! Go ahead.


Westway. You know, it finally got killed because some fish like to breed around the pilons of the river. You make an environmental study and that comes out, and that's enough to kill it. We had to make an environmental study for Bryant Park! If we were going to build a restaurant what effect would it have? Cost us 120,000 dollars! You know, the impact of the restaurant isn't going to be very great.

All through these negotiations with all these different entities, we had to employ lawyers! I have raised 1,600,000 dollars separately from what I'm raising for the Library--because I don't want to confuse the two--just to keep this project alive, so it

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