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in the middle of lunch, I forget whether Bill or Frank said: “Well, what we wanted to talk to you about is merger.” And I guess I must have looked horrified, because in those days there was still a thing called anti-trust, which seems to have disappeared under Reagan. And I said: “Why, that would be impossible.” Not that we were particularly looking forward to it, either. Because I have a strong suspicion that Mr. Paley didn't expect the partnership to be anything but one of which he would be the top dog. But we were absolutely astounded. And we said: “Well, we'd think about it.” Then I politely said I didn't think it would be advisable--this was after the luncheon.
Well, twenty years later--
Excuse me--I didn't quite catch the date. This would be after Luce's death, if you and Linen went over?
It was the mid-sixties. Luce died in '67--I don't know whether it was just before or after, I don't know. Do you mean, did I talk to Luce about it? No.
Do you recall Luce in the picture at all?
In other words, you and Linen didn't even consider it.
No, no. Well, twenty years Later--roughly--my successor,
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