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see what we were doing in Washington. We introduced her to Quinn and Fogarty, who came for cocktails the afternoon we arrived.
Who is Miss Marmorstun?
A doctor, whose work in arteriosclerosis I was helping to support.
We were anxious about the markup, which was coming the next day, and Fogarty felt he was in for a tough fight as a minority member of the committee to get any substantial amounts of money.
I was to visit Busby, the Chairman, in his office just before the markup, at 9 o'clock in the morning, and I must say he was very bland, rather amiable, and offhand, when I told him that although I knew that he understood about the human values which made medical research necessary, that actually it paid off in dollars and was an economy to the nation, as people who were well produced goods and as a result paid more federal taxes.
Did he perk up at that?
No. I told him that as I was a large taxpayer, I considered this an economy. I had to put this in so as to try to interest this hard-headed Republican money-saver in what
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