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Well, yes, we furnished them with fact sheets, with research payoffs of the past. We furnished them with explanations of how the funds were used and with how much money was being lost by illness and premature death.
And this data is something that your Foundation had worked out.
We develop every year, and we do a major fact book every two or three years.
Of course, no one knew when the full committee was going to meet. The Senate was desperately busy and anxious to adjourn and the press of business was frantic, as it always was this time of year. No one thought they were going to meet until the following Monday, but actually they met on Saturday morning.
In full committee Saltonstall, who had not been in the subcommittee meetings at all, and Russell were present. Saltonstall felt no enthusiasm for construction-of-research-facilities funds and he never has, I may say, felt any enthusiasm for research although Harvard gets the largest amounts of grants from the National Institutes of Health of any institution. He's always been a thorn in our side.
Saltonstall moved that they increase the proposed amounts only by the amount that was suggested for the grants-in-aid to research. The sum was agreed to and the Senate full committee
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