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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
Photo Gallery

Part:         Session:         Page of 1143

I supported Church of Idaho, who won; McGovern of South Dakota, who won; Wilson Wyatt of Kentucky, who lost; King of Utah, who lost: John Rooney of New York; Denton of Indiana in the House; B of Indiana; Don Magnusson of Washington State; Delaney of New York; Udall, the brother of the Secretary of the Interior; Richard Bohlen; Jonas of North Carolina, because he was interested in and sympathetic to medical research and was on the Veterans Affairs Committee: and some Congressmen I didn't know but who were friends of some friends, and who lost.

I also supported Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin for the Senate, and Steve McNichols in Colorado, James Michener, the writer, who was running for Congress in Pennsylvania and who lost, and Governor Peabody, who won in Massachusetts after a long spell of uncertainty, and Pat Brown of California. Well, that's about it for '62.

However, when the campaign was ended and election day came, I had the nerve to give a party that night, thinking that people would dance and have fun. Not at all: everybody stuck by the television, and to my horror there were times when Senator Hill seemed to be losing, and I was in despair a great deal of the time because if he lost, practically all was lost in the field of medical legislation; anyone who might have succeeded would have been an amateur compared to him and so much less motivated than he that it would have been a disaster. However, in spite of the doctors who organized against him in Alebama, even though he had voted against the Medicare Bill to

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