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for medical education. There still are no general funds for the support of medical education, only for the building of classrooms and for scholarship loans, now, even with this new bill.
Of our other efforts in the non-medical area, I think the most successful ones are the aid we gave to Hubert Humphrey and the support of the Food-for-Peace idea, which became the Food-for-Peace Administration. I think the desalinization bill was an improvement, and certainly the aid that MacMurray gave to the Housing Bill of '59 and the successful effort to have special housing for older people included in one section of it was a success. But in the whole picture of legislation so much more needs to be done and so much has to be revised and kept at that the only area that I'm in constant touch with now is the medical area because I feel that on the whole the Administration is sympathetic to liberal ideas such as we were proposing when Eisenhower was in office and I don't at present have any terribly fresh ideas that aren't already accepted by the Administration, except in the field of medical research which is really neglected by laymen. Even Hill and Fogarty are more interested and are energized when we talk to them and when I bring people to see them about what is going on, what the progress is and what needs to be done, because they're busy about many other things in the Congress.
Mrs. Lasker, It's also evident? admirable, it seems to me, that your services as a kind of a catalyst are needed in some of these areas which have not yet been brought to a successful conclusion like desalinization of water. It seems to me your role is still
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