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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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Part:         Session:         Page of 1143

quarter of nine, which is for me a great strain. as you know, I don't get up early. And unless I'm in the swing of getting up early... I can get up at any time as long as I've had nine hours sleep regularly, but if I go to bed at one and have to get up at eight, that's not adequate. At any rate, I did get up because I did have some sleep. What she wanted was to get some advice from me and Bill Walton. Why Bill Walton was called into this, I wouldn't know. But at any rate it was on what colors we thought would be pretty and how should the Cabinet room be decorated. The Cabinet room did look very shabby, I must say, and did need redecorating. It needed new chairs and a now table and new curtains, and what should we do about it? We looked at various samples and chairs that had been sent by a decorator. I finally called her up this week and said that I thought she should have scale models made with colors and types of furniture because it's really impossible for something that you want to have as good as the Cabinet room to do it any other way. When you take the bother to do it over, you want to do it so well that it's worth the money spent on scale models. Don't you think so?


You don't want to guess about it.

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