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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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Is this an innovative type of ruling on the part the Internal Revenue?


Yes, it is. It's been very difficult to do, actually.


Taking this as a charitable contribution.


We persuaded them that Versailles which was the center of the decision, for the French to help the American colonists to revolt from the British, and if would't been for French aid we wouldn't have won.


That was a rather highflown argument to use with Internal Revenue, wasn't it?


It's true. Well, we used a few others too.

And a few people came in to see the head of Internal Revenue, like Mr. Wiley Buchanan with Mrs. Van der Kemp.


Wiley told me about this.


Did he? It was wonderful. Finally got done. But I had gotten Ernst Ernst into it and it had gotten kind of stuck in the pipes, but we finally had it, and I've helped to employ some of these people who are fund raising for it which I hope will be successful.


Well, with that as an incentive, I should think that --


Yes. Now, then on the political side, you know the horrors we've been through, us Democrats, in the last six months. I was for Hubert Humphrey and thought he would have been the best of the Democratic candidates. I did support him. It didn't do much good, as you know. I was very worried about McGovern, his position about economics and his

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