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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
Photo Gallery

Part:         Session:         Page of 999


Yes, but next year I'll give you the book with the whole thing in it. You don't want to know the names now.


No, I just wondered whether you had determined it.


The jury, has already met, and they're very exciting awards. There's one award to a brain canner, which shows the brain in an entirely different way. It's called the , - which can show the difference between a brain cancer and an of the brain, which makes a remendous difference in diagnosis of a severe or a neurological problem, a body scanner has also been developed but its full is not .

Now, did you want any social business?


I did indeed.


Well, in November, about the 15th, Mrs. Marcos, the wife of the president of the Philippines, came to a cocktail meeting with outstanding heart specialists at my house because of her interest in the Heart Center, which she had just built in Manila and which she was inviting everybody to come to, including me.


Was this with Philippine funds?


Yes, with Philippine funds. You know of my interest in the Chateau of Versailles. There was a lively benefit for it given by the Findlay Galleries at the Four Seasons with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Van der Kemp present and very very gay and very well done

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