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Is the governor interested in cancer research?
He's very interested in cancer.
His wife died of cancer.
And he gave 10% of his salary, $8500, to Roswell Hark as a token of his interest in cancer research this year. My secretary, Jane, who has had a cancer operation... Did you know that?
She had a breast taken off this spring. Fortunately no spread. She wrote a letter to Ann Landers, our friend, saying that she didn't think it was generally known that this was the case, that Carey had given 10% of his salary, and wouldn't the readers of the column who were about 55 million please write to the governors of their states to ask them to do more about cancer research, especially in the institutions that have medical schools. I have not yet heard how many governors have received letters, but someone who's a good judge said that they thought about 100,000 letters would be written. Let's hope they work.
But Jane is doing all right isn't she?
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