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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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Is he a doctor also?


No, but he's a friend of mine who is interested in medical research in England. And Mr. Morris Schrier, who is on the National Council board.

Dr. Veronesi and Dr. Bonadonna are the people in the Milan Hospital. They've done the outstanding trials for breast cancer. They give CMF immediately after surgery, or shortly after surgery, to anyone that has more than one -- that has a positive node; in other words, a metasis beyond the original cancer lesion of the breast. And they have shown that by treating people immediately, or shortly after, surgery, they can cut down the number of recurrences. That is, up to thirty-six months. The people who are past menopause are not much affected by treatment more longer than twenty-two months. In other words, they don't maintain the protection much more than twenty-two months, but pre-menopausal people are helped as far as thirty-six months, but that's as far as we know.

Well, any protection against breast cancer's recurrence is a benefaction. So we were very interested in that.

Then the Blair's gave a really very nice dinner for the men I've mentioned.


Let me ask. This indicates that there is some general cooperation on specific subjects between doctors in different nations?


Yes. There is. There is some, and especially between this Italian clinic and the Cancer Institute. Dr. DeVita is an Italian and he's a friend of Dr. Bonadonna. Bonadonna and Veronesi, who is

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