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was to prevent any additional funds being given to the Cancer Institute. Absolutely prevent it. His position was very much like the tobacco lobby, and I'm not sure whether he's influenced them or they've influenced him. I don't know what their relationship is, but his position is very similar. Maybe sometime I'll know that.
Well, the Appropriations Bill finally was up for action the week of -- this week, and I was there with Jane.
In the heat?
Yes, in the heat, and Deeda Blair, and we did fairly well on the other things. We got eighty-five million dollars for eye, twenty million dollars more than they'd ever had before. It was pretty good. That wasn't any thanks to me, but it was thanks to people that we had gotten together who did the work, like Dr. and Dr. and other people.
Is it more difficult to get additional appropriations for eye research?
Well, you see, Eye is a new Institute. But fortunately, or unfortunately, a Senator had, on the committee, had been operated on by Dr. , who was urging more money. And Rodino [Peter Rodino] on the House side had been operated on by him, and he went to visit every single House member. People on the House side that had never been for anything in their lives were for this. Isn't that fascinating
It works.
It works, doesn't it?
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