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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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Now Sloan-Kettering did not clone it as yet, and they think now that maybe they can make pieces of interferon, that you don't need to have the whole molecule, you don't have to have the whole sequence to make it active in the body. Maybe you should just have two pieces on either end of the molecule...Anyway that's what they are working on.

The next day we went to visit the City of Hope where there was a man who had done the cloning -- he had been part of the team that did the cloning on somatastatin and growth hormone -- called Dr. Itakura.




Japanese. I was discussing what could be done, because a group (Biogen) out of left field, in Switzerland, which you undoubtedly read about, had cloned leukocyte interferon at least enough to show that they had some active material (in January 1980).


Yes, there was much publicity about it.


There was much publicity about it. Dr. Gilbert is the head of that group, and they have a deal with Schering for the worldwide rights on it.

This spring we went to visit Schering -- Dr. Jordan Gutterman, Jimmy Fordyce, Mrs. Blair and myself....

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