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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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Where is Schering located?


They are located in New Jersey, and they hope to have enough to try clinically in the next nine to 12 months. They hope to give some to Jordan Gutterman.

It's very exciting, because you don't know whether one drug company will be more lucky than another in getting a better clone or a better product or a more inexpensive product. You just don't know, the whole thing is one of the most exciting things that there could be commerically, because it's very, very undetermined which people will emerge as the great producers.


And as you indicated there are different approaches.


There are different approaches.


In the work.


Now as a result of my request, Itakura sent me an application to do work on pieces of the interferon molecule, in the hope that had find active piecces that he could synthesize.

I have telephoned to Syntex thinking that they would do well to put him together with Mrs. Krim and her team, because he is really the most experienced person I could think of that would do anything, having been involved in these other three important clones. I just did that

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