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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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last week, and I don't know whether it will happen or not, because maybe they'll be jealous, or ... you don't know what kind of trouble they can get into. (It turned out that Itakura has a contract with Genertech and cannot work with any other commerical effort on interferon for two years).

(phone was ringing all during the above)

At any rate there is no doubt that among basic scientists the development of the four kinds of interferon in the sense of cloning them and making them useful for cancer and viral diseases, is the most exciting development since the coming of the antibiotics.

The clinicians have been very difficult, and I won't describe all their peculiarities, but they are always jealous of anything new that is said to be helpful, and there have been some sad accidents that have happened with the very impure interferon that has been provided so far. The present interferon provided by Cantell when it's liquid is said to be one Henth of one percent pure. Unfortunately, he sent frozen dried interferon because of the demand for it by Dr. Galasso of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, to the Cancer Society to fill its order.

It turned out that the frozen dried had no stability and was from 20 to 60 percent less potent than liquid interferon. So there are always these terrible sort of mischances. Many people were given this frozen dried

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