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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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Part:         Session:         Page of 999

I have some sympathetic friends in the Senate -- Bayh, and Mathias is sympathetic, Schweiker is sympathetic, Hatfield would be for anything sensible, Schmitt. .


Yes, you mentioned Schmitt last time.


I am sure he will be for anything sensible, but you've always got Proxmire, who is against everything, and when he speaks up there, the fact that they don't respect him, they still try to get around him because they often need his vote on something else, you know. He is a destructive force no matter what. If you sit there in the markup, you can see it.

Well, I don't have a big hope for a big amount of money, but. . .


When are you going to have to work there, in August?


I am going to work in August, sure. It just happens that I plan to be here anywhere, so I'll do it.

Believe it or not, I am the chairman of the National Finance Committee for Senator Kennedy's campaign.


Yes, now I noticed that, and you are still. . .


I am still having to do something about it.


Are you optimistic or otherwise?

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