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Is there any connection between...
Cahill left New York State as an adviser and has gone to advise the Pope about his illness. Now, you know the Pope has had a very rocky course. I hope it's not because of the intervention of Dr. Cahill. (chuckles)
Does someone else serve in his stead in New York State?
I don't know if anyone serves in his stead. You just have to talk to the key people in the legislature -- to Morgado, the secretary to the Governor, and the Governor. And we got it done when Cahill was out of the way.
Now, is there any connection between this recent development in New York State where attention is being given and money appropriated for high blood pressure and that sort of thing and the emphasis of this current administration on the states' doing more?
I don't think so, I don't think so. No, this bill was he vetoed it last year. So I don't think that it had anything to do with that.
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