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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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Part:         Session:         Page of 999


Well, that's going to be a high-powered meeting.


Yes. They have to think about how much they can get for the vaccine. You can imagine how dazzling it would be for the world, the world market.


I think you're going to be excited when that occasion comes. It's at Roswell Park, isn't it?


Yes, I shall. I don't care for Buffalo. It would have been much more sensible to have it here. I tried to get the American Cancer Society to do it here, quickly, but they didn't think they could get it ready until the end of November or the end of December. They couldn't do it fast.


Also, I suppose the facilities are a problem.


I don't know how many hotels in New York and restaurants . . .you can do anything.


Yes, but there are a lot of conventions, too, you know.


That's true. There are. But I don't think they got that far. They didn't want to get into the doing of it fast. That's repugnant to a lot of people.

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