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Part: 12 Session: 145678910111213141516171819202122 Page 9596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117 of 999
I did? In December, the December memo?
Well. then this is really just a summary of what happened in '66, but it might be attached, if I haven't summarized it well before. I'll just read this. Is that all right?
You havent' summarized it, because it was fragmentary. All right, yes, do.
The passage of Cancer, Heart and Stroke Center Bill in October '65 started requests in '66 for planning grants from all parts of the country. By the end of '66 about 16 planning grants had been awarded. Large cities have been in the most trouble about it, however -- New York, Boston and Chicago -- because here there are large medical schools and a number of hospitals all maneuvering for leadership their hospitals and their facilities as the key center facility. Actually in New York City there should be maybe six centers, and they're trying to force New York City into one regional center, and the number of people and the amount of talent is too big to put into one central plan. It just can't be done.
-- is there any way to force --?
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