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Part: 12 Session: 145678910111213141516171819202122 Page 9596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117 of 999
it tired anybody one hundredth as much as it did me. There's something very tiring for the abotu my own parties. The possibilities of problems are so great.
I suspect because you're something of a perfectionist and you want every detail --
-- well, I want the people to behave well to each other and I'm not always sure what they're going to do, or how the “mix” will turn out.
But exertainly this list of guests includes a lot of very talented people in the arts and so forth.
Who is on it, Richard Rodgers? Besides Chagall.
Lauren Bacall.
Lauren Bacall came after her show, Raymond Loewy came for dinner.
Richard Rodgers --
Marietta Tree.
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