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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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Part:         Session:         Page of 999


Now, what was your purpose? What did you do?

Mrs. Lasker:

Oh, I was just supposed to comment on what the significance of drug testing was, really. Goddard is the head of as you know.


And they used your presence as an effort to publicize it, I suppose.

Mrs. Lasker:

Well, as an effort to bring the importance of drug testing into focus. It wasn't a very important conference, actually.

Well, during the summer and in the fall I realized that we were very short of articulate allies, and I'd made a contact with Mr. Ralph Nader, who has been the one to singlehandedly bring some order into the safety devices for automobiles. As you know, General Motors attacked him and tried in every possible way to discredit him, but they were unsuccessful and I believe he has a libel suit against them, doesn't he?



Mrs. Laskers:

He's extremely bright, and he's interested in what big companies do to harm the health of the people, or

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