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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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substantially more facilities and many facilities need renovation, and that should all be built into the bill, in my opinion. And there is in the so-called Health Security Bill, there is a large substantial amount of money, between 800 million and a billion dollars, for this. To start.


This would affect every citizen from date of birth?


Everybody. Everybody. Comprehensive.


How does the AMA look at this?


Well, you see, they're much softened, because they've made a tremendous lot of money out of Medicare. You see, the amount of money -- there were no limits on just what the nation would pay the doctors under the , so the doctors have jacked up their prices and they've made a great deal out of it. Now, I think there have to be some limits on what the pay scales are, because I think the costs of Medicare are very high, and the same with Medicaid. But the doctors -- they've really found that it isn't such a terrible thing after all because they're paid for everything, and not asked to do anything free any more, practically nothing.


Would you say that one of the silent advocates of this type of legislation is indeed the. Blue Cross Blue Shield outfit, and the prices?


But the prices won't get less. You'll never get the prices less.

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