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Notable New     Yorkers
Select     Notable New Yorker

Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
Photo Gallery

Part:         Session:         Page of 444

while as yet no policy was laid down, nor could be, among the first inquiries that would be made would be as to who were the union leaders, what they represented, what they showed as facts, and so forth. He added, “I'm reliably informed that many of the people who have taken part in this recent strike are not actually members of the union at all. That, of course, we shall have to investigate. We shall not endorse or authorize any position which looks to forbidding the existence of a union.”

Well, there was terrific silence and interest! He answered two questions right out of his own head. Then Mr. Walsh thanked him for appearing. He rose to go and the audience applauded. It was really one of the most cheerful and cheering things in the world. Here was an audience of very sophisticated New Yorkers, ninety percent of whom were probably down on Rockefeller because of what they had read in the papers he had done to the Colorado miners. They thought he and his pa were getting just what they deserved. It was that kind of an audience. But this open, frank, good statement by this obviously shy and timid man, who showed himself in public obviously with great pain, but without quailing, got the usual sporting reply from New Yorkers - “Well, he's all right.” They clapped.

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