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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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all the high dignitaries of the Roman and Episcopal churches were asked.

The heads of all institutions in the state were asked, together with the high society of the cities of New York, Albany, Syracuse, Utica, Rochester and Buffalo. The best families were asked. I don't mean to say everybody was asked, but most distinguished people of all these cities were invited to this wedding. They accepted with alacrity.

How this happened I don't know, but in general charge of the wedding was Elizabeth Marbury. She was a very extraordinary person. She's still alive (1952) although she's a very aged lady. She became huge in size. She was a great friend of Anne Morgan, Elsie de Wolfe, who became Lady Charles Mendl, Ann Vanderbilt. Those four were really a kind of a triumvirate. Elizabeth Marbury didn't have any money, though the others all did. Elsie de Wolfe had made herself a very considerable fortune as an actress. Then she had gone into the interior decorating business when she no longer cared to act. She always turned over money herself. She had plenty of it, and it was her own money. Of course the other two had plenty.

Elizabeth Marbury had to work for her money. She had made a kind of a profession, though she never put it in

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