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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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Hugh Johnson had done that he always bragged about. Baruch had put him into a linoleum plant that Baruch had financed and had taken over the management of. That was the way he did when he financed. He wouldn't finance unless he could have it run according to his idea. This was a linoleum plant out in New Jersey. I forget just where. He had put Johnson in to run that plant according to the ideas that had originated in the Baruch office. It had turned out quite well, but so did all of Baruch's projects. Baruch is a very smart man.

I think probably that Nelson Slater and George Sloan had been brought into this picture through Baruch's interest and through Baruch's original interest in helping, or considering helping, the financing of the cotton textile industry which was at its lowest ebb.

At any rate, Nelson began appearing on the scene. I'm not sure he wasn't in that room the day I went there first. I had never seen him before, so I didn't know him, but I think he was there. My later information was that he was there and that George Sloan was too. They were the people sitting around the back. He was obviously helping General Johnson.

Very soon after I became acquainted with the General and asked him to the house Nelson Slater began to come around.

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