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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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Part:         Session:         Page of 542

special immigrant inspector and assigned him to the duties of an immigration examiner, which was the person who ordinarily conducted a hearing. As an examiner he was authorised under the regulations to hold hearings and to make decisions and he didn't have to be specially commicationed The duty of the immigration examiner was to conduct the hearings, lay out the procedure, rule upon the testimony, rule and overrule objections of counsel, swear witnesses, and all that kind of thing. The question was raised later as to whether he could have punished someone for contempt, but that didn't arise. I don't know whether he could have or not, but no immigration inspector ever punished anybody for contempt. If there was a contempt of court, we brought the case before a proper court and a proper judge, and laid it to them to punish the contempt of court. This was an administrative proceeding, however.

We also made a decision, which I made myself alone, but I guess everybody backed me in it, that the hearings should be held on Angel Island, which was the immigration station in San Francisco harbor. As a matter of fact, there was a small office, very small office, of the Immigration Service in San Francisco. The large number of employees and the large layout was on Angel

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