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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
Photo Gallery

Part:         Session:         Page of 912

So we went off on our various business for the weekend. Nobody in the Cabinet ever went away without leaving with the White House telephone operator information as to where they could be reached if necessary. That was standard practise. I went to New York. I don't recall now the particular occasion for my going there. It was a meeting, or a speech. I had a lot of work to do. I was writing a report of some kind. I was halfway through it. I had a stenographer engaged in New York to help me work on it on Sunday afternoon. Saturday I went to my engagement, whatever it was. Sunday afternoon I was locked in my room at the Cosmopolitan Club. I had gone to church early, was back in my room working on these things. My stenographer was coming in about noon. I had a bite of lunch, sandwich and soup, both for her and for me, sent up to the room where I was working, so that it wasn't necessary to go downstairs and interrupt this piece of work I was doing. I worked very hard all the afternoon.

I recall that somebody had called up early in the morning and asked if she could come to see me. It was a girl named Nora Van Lieuwan. She was a social worker I had known years before. She was a peculiar-looking woman, half Javanese, half Dutch. Her father was Dutch and her mother was a Javanese native. She was a Eurasian, very attractive looking. She was very fat and very pretty. You rarely see a woman so fat who is also so pretty. She was very round and fat. She

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