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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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looked exactly what she was - partly Dutch, with that strange Oriental slanted eye and that Javanese look. She was an American citizen, had lived in New York for many years, was a social worker and had been connected with one of the settlements. She was an expert dietician and used to work on the committees that showed impoverished women how to get more food value out of their money allowance to buy food. There was a series of domestic science schools called the Kitridge Clubs, Miss Mabel Kitridge having been their founder. They were kind of working girls' clubs and among other things they learned to cook. Miss Van Lieuwan was one of the people who was teaching them how to cook beans and rice and make them palatable and nourishing. That kind of dietary work.

I don't know for the life of me why she wanted to see me. I don't suppose I had seen her for twenty years, but she telephoned and said she'd like to see me. We fixed the hour of four o'clock or four-thirty for her to call on me at the Cosmopolitan Club. Four o'clock is a time at the club on a Sunday afternoon when it will be nearly empty. By half past four or five it fills up with people coming for tea, or to meet people, or so forth. Earlier in the afternoon there are the leftovers of people who have been there for lunch. There was a lull in there around four.

So when her name was sent up that she had arrived, I

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