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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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Part:         Session:         Page of 191

whole past of the Democratic Party. It had done an excellent job for many years, and I thought it ought to be said so by those who knew it.


Did you meet Adlai Stevenson?


Oh, yes. I'd known him for some time. I'd known him a good many years.


What can you tell us of him?


Well, I think he's a very, very interesting man, and has developed a great deal. I found a lot of letters from him upstairs, too, among other things. I kept them in my private file. I have quite a lot of handwritten letters from Truman. You remember his famous letter to Paul Hume, written by hand, you know? I've got several of those--only they weren't angry ones. They weren't angry, they were pleasant letters, but written on the spur of the moment, without a secretary, without a stenographer, without Rudolf Forster on anybody like that seeing them. Rudolf Forster had died by then, but I mean whoever his successor was, I forget--Latta, that's it.

Yes, I had several. I kept those, but I may send them up to you later. I wanted to look 'em over. I found a great many letters from F.D.R. that for some reason or other

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