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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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admirable record. Was far-sighted and progressive, and had energy and was fearless, and would drive things through.

I met him at a conference in Chicago which was being held by people who were interested in labor legislation. They invited the Governor to come, and he came, and I saw him operating as Governor, you see. I hadn't seen him in that role, ever, before. And it was a great surprise--I mean, to see how good he was as the leader. He was much better as the leader and spokesman of a state than he was as a subordinate worrying about just how this draft should be--you know? I thought him very good indeed. I thought him excellent, and he grew all the time.

When he was nominated, we all know he didn't want to be nominated. He thought he could go back and be Governor again. He thought he could run and be elected, and I think he could have. He wanted very much to be Governor another term. I think he undoubtedly could have won.

But I thought that during the campaign, he showed a very sizeable development of mentality over what he had been ten years earlier--I mean, of ability to see more than one side of a thing, ability to treat a thing in the rounded and philosophical manner, and to express it. Of course, he's become famous for that. I'm sure he had that always, but it was a new experience to have it shown to the public, and

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