A system for Minimally Invasive Surgery of the Throat and Upper Airways
Former Research Contributions:
Gait generation & compensation algorithms for the humanoid robot THBIP-I
Full scheme design and fundamental verification experiments of a medium-scale automated dentifrice flexible production line for the P&G CORP
2004 to present: Ph.D. Degree (expected), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, U.S.A
2001 to 2004: M.S. Degree, In the Speciality of Machine Design, Manufacture and Automation in the Department of Precision Instruments and Mechanology, Graduate School of Tsinghua University, P.R. China
1997 to 2001: B.E. Degree, In the Speciality of Machine Design, Manufacture and Automation in the Department of Precision Instruments and Mechanology, Tsinghua University, P.R. China
1992 to 1997: The Jiujiang No.1 Middle School in Jiangxi Province, P.R. China
Xu, K., Simaan, N. “A Closed-Form Solution for the Shape and Statics of Flexible Continuum Robots with Actuation Redundancy”, Submitted to ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2008.
Simaan, N., Xu, K., Wei, W., Kapoor, A., Kazanzides, P., Flint, P., Taylor, R., “Design and Integration of a Telerobotic System for Minimally Invasive Surgery of the Throat,” accepted for publication in the International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR) Special Issue on Medical Robotics, Desai, J. & Ayache, N., Eds., 2009.
Simaan, N., Xu, K., Wei, W., Kapoor, A., Kazanzides, P., Flint, P., Taylor, R., “Design and Integration of a Telerobotic System for Minimally Invasive Surgery of the Throat,” accepted for publication in the International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR) Special Issue on Medical Robotics, Desai, J. & Ayache, N., Eds., 2009.
Xu, K., Simaan, N. “A Closed-Form Solution for the Shape and Statics of Flexible Continuum Robots with Actuation Redundancy”, Submitted to ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2008.
Wei, W., Xu, K., Simaan, N. “A Compact Two-Armed Slave Manipulator for Minimally Invasive Surgery of the Throat,” The first IEEE/RAS-EMB International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BIOROB’2006), Pisa, Italy, pp. 287-292, 2006.
XU Kai, CHEN Ken, LIU Li, “Fast Walking Gait Planning Algorithm for Humanoid Robots Based on Optimization of the Main Support Leg”, Accepted by Robotics, 2004
XU Kai, CHEN Ken, LIU Li, “Gait Compensation Algorithm for Humanoid Robots Based on Universal Moment-Force Sensors and Computed Joints Torques”, Accepted by Robotics, 2004
Jiandong Zhao, Kai Xu, Chenglong Fu, Xiangdong Yang, Ken Chen, “The Self-regulating Nonlinear Control of Ankle Roll Joint of Humanoid Robot”, Robotics Vol.26 No.2 2004
YANG Dongchao, LIU Li, XU Kai, WANG Jinsong, CHEN Ken, “Kinematics Analysis of the Humanoid robot”, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol.39 Sept. 2003
OU Yangxing, CHEN ken, XU Kai, WANG Jingsong, “Analysis of Elastic Deformation Effect on Gait Planning of Humanoid Robot”, Machine Tool & Hydraulics, Vol.185, May, 2003
ZHAO Jiandong, SHAO Lijun, XU Kai, LIU Li, CHEN Ken, “Research on the Servo Control System of the Humanoid Robot Joints Based on CAN Bus”, Robotics, Vol.24 No.5 Sept. 2002
YANG Dongchao, XU Kai, LIU Li, CHEN Ken, “Virtual Simulations for Humanoid Robots in the 3DS Max”, Machinery Design and Manufacture, No.4 Aug. 2002
ZHAO Mingguo, LIU Li, WANG Jingsong, CHEN Ken, ZHAO Jiandong, XU Kai, “Control System Design of THBIP-I Humanoid Robot”, Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation v3 May 11-15 2002
Kai Xu, Ken Chen, Jinsong Wang, Li Liu, Dongchao Yang, Jiandong Zhao, “A New Method of Gait Generation for a Biped Walking Robot”, Proceeding of Second IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 22-24 2001
Li Liu, Jinsong Wang, Ken Chen, Dongchao Yang, Kai Xu, “A New Method of Three-dimensional Walking Trajectory Planning for Biped Robot”, Proceeding of CLAWAR2001 (4th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robot), Karlsruhe, Germany, pp797-804, 24 -26 Sep.2001
2004’ Presidential Distinguished Fellowship, Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University
2004’ Excellent Master Thesis Award, Tsinghua University
2002’ Guanghua Fellowship, Second Prize, Tsinghua University
2001’ “Community Activity” Scholarship for excellent student leaders, Tsinghua University
2000’ Guanghua Fellowship, Second Prize, Tsinghua University
1999’ IET Fellowship for Excellent College Students with remarkable community activities
1998’ Second Award for the Excellent Academics Performances, Tsinghua University
1997’ Second Award for the Excellent Freshmen, Tsinghua University
1996’ First Prize in the National High School Mathematics Olympiad, China
1996’ First Prize in the National High School Physics Olympiad, China
1996’ Second Prize in the National High School Chemistry Olympiad, China
Community Activities
Nov 2004 to Present: Co-chair of the Division of Recreation in Columbia University Chinese Student and Scholar Association
Sep 2001 to Feb 2003: Chief of the Department of Culture in the Tsinghua Graduate Students Union
Feb 2001 to Jul. 2001: Vice Chief of the Department of Culture in the Tsinghua Graduate Students Union
Oct 2000 to Feb 2001: Executive member of the Department of Culture in the Tsinghua Graduate Students Union
Sep 1998 to May 1999: Vice Chief of the Department of Art and Culture in the Tsinghua Students Union; Chief of the Department of Art and Culture in the Students Union of Department of Precision Instruments and Mechanology